Joy at the sight of the president (4 photos)
The owner of the pizzeria in Florida on the joy of the meeting decided to raise Barack Obama.
10 rare psychopathological syndromes that will amaze you
10 rare psychopathological syndromes
News Photos of the first half of July
News in pictures
News of the week in photos
News in pictures
News in pictures 8-year reign of the 43rd US President George W. Bush (George W. Bush) (54 photos)
10 famous photos that are actually fake
Joyful obnimashki with President
News in pictures
10 rare psychopathological syndromes that will amaze you
10 rare psychopathological syndromes
News Photos of the first half of July
News in pictures
News of the week in photos
News in pictures
News in pictures 8-year reign of the 43rd US President George W. Bush (George W. Bush) (54 photos)
10 famous photos that are actually fake
Joyful obnimashki with President
News in pictures
Very dumb statue (4 photos)
Come as you drunk three times a lion from the bar.