Knocker-up or Knocker-upper - is forgotten profession in England and Ireland
Knocker-up or Knocker-upper - is forgotten profession in England and Ireland, was that in order to awaken people to work. It originated during the Industrial Revolution and existed until the 20s of the 20th century.
Mainly used long bamboo sticks, batons, sticks, but sometimes to wake the inhabitants of the upper floors, the windows shot peas. Worked knoker Upper-mostly elderly people, but it is, for an additional fee, and this work was entrusted to the local constable.
Mainly used long bamboo sticks, batons, sticks, but sometimes to wake the inhabitants of the upper floors, the windows shot peas. Worked knoker Upper-mostly elderly people, but it is, for an additional fee, and this work was entrusted to the local constable.