Astronomers have explained where it came from "wandering stone" on Mars
Not so long ago appeared on the web for some new pictures on the path of the rover Curiosity stone. Scientists have found it difficult to immediately explain the origin of this stone, but two weeks after its discovery, explanation yet ready. So - no aliens, Freemasons and other secret organizations and civilizations. It's simple - just unscrewed stone wheel rover, which weighs more tonny.
The first pictures of the mysterious stone appeared in the photographs 3537 sol (so numbered the days for the Earth's technology on Mars). But on sol 3536 photo stone it was not. The stone itself looked strangely parabolic shape with a dark interior with blond highlights. Also, the stone was increased content of manganese and sulfur.
After the publication of the relevant pictures on the web immediately rumors that the stone "tossed by aliens," which is a form of life, and similar stories. After some time, scientists were able to prove that the origin of the stone is simple - he wriggled out of the ground wheel of the rover. Proof - the second picture, which is visible one more wrenching of ground stone, with a trace of the rover on it. So, fellow conspiracy theorists, leave hope for the Reptilians - the stone is completely natural origin.
Source: mirfactov.com/