Cat Don Corleone

The famous cat Don Corleone of "The Godfather" wandered on set randomly.
Certainly, many of those who watched the brilliant saga of Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather", remember the famous scene where Vito Corleone gently stroking the cat during the celebration of the wedding of his daughter. This is pure improvisation - no cats in the script was not written.
Fluffy "actress" has penetrated to the set randomly and some time revolved in all underfoot, until it was noticed for the role of Don Corleone, Marlon Brando - he picked up the cat on his lap and started playing with it and ironed. All around were struck by the contrast between the frightening images of Brando and his tender affection for the animal. Coppola decided to insert a movie-like scene, so the cat and got her first role.
By the way, one day, thinking about the good idea, Coppola admitted that when Brando stroking a cat, she purred so loudly that it almost drowned out an actor, so monologue Don then had to completely overdubbed.