Indian chief
Interesting newspaper clipping, which states that an official representative of the US government asked the leader about white people, and received an amazing response. The official representative of the US government asked the Indian chief named "Two eagle" is an interesting question:
"You watched the white man for 90 years. Have you seen their wars and their technological advances. Have you seen their development and the damage they inflicted ».
The leader nodded.
Then the government official said:
"Given all these events, in your opinion, what is wrong white people? Where they have chosen the wrong direction? »
The leader looked at the white man and said:
"When white man find land on her Indian rights were no taxes, no debts, buffalo and beaver were plentiful, the water was clean.
Women do all the work, the doctor did not take the money.
Indian men spend all day hunting,
and all night caressing their wives ».
Then the chief leaned back, smiled and added:
"Only white people can be so stupid,
to think that such a system can be improved ».
"Love the Earth.
It is not inherited from your parents you,
She lent you have your children. »
(Rolling Thunder, Cherokee)
"You watched the white man for 90 years. Have you seen their wars and their technological advances. Have you seen their development and the damage they inflicted ».
The leader nodded.
Then the government official said:
"Given all these events, in your opinion, what is wrong white people? Where they have chosen the wrong direction? »
The leader looked at the white man and said:
"When white man find land on her Indian rights were no taxes, no debts, buffalo and beaver were plentiful, the water was clean.

Women do all the work, the doctor did not take the money.
Indian men spend all day hunting,
and all night caressing their wives ».

Then the chief leaned back, smiled and added:
"Only white people can be so stupid,
to think that such a system can be improved ».

"Love the Earth.
It is not inherited from your parents you,
She lent you have your children. »
(Rolling Thunder, Cherokee)
