Cruise ship on the mountain (18 photos)
Where and how to come from a cruise ship on the mountain ??? A very detailed and interesting response to continue ...
Probably there are few Koreans who do not know in the picturesque east coast railway station Chondochzhin. I have often heard the opinion that it is just not the most romantic place in the whole of Korea. Of course, it is too subjective assessment, someone may not agree. But in any case, the scenery there is really very beautiful: a large sandy bay with a beach clean clear water of East (Japan) Sea and very close to the beautiful mountains.
You could even say that the place is a bit congested places. Firstly, a park with a huge hourglass, where at one time rented one of the most popular Korean TV series, which is called "Hourglass". By the way, after this film, during which the show in South Korea street just died out, place Chondonchzhin became especially popular. At the same time, and there were huge hourglass in the park, which are made of a huge wheel.
These clocks were built by "Samsung Electronics" and began to work in 2000. They sand exactly a year (about eight tons) on New Year's night, they turn over, so it is one of the most popular places to celebrate the New Year. They say that in the New Year's Eve is going to at least ten thousand people.
Secondly, the railway station. She is famous for being built very close to the sea.
Third, situated on one of the mountains bordering the bay, the hotel complex Sun Cruise Hotel. Architects can not deny the boldness and originality of thought. The hotel is designed as a huge ocean liner, which stands on a cliff top, right on the edge of the cliff to the sea. Can you imagine what there overlooking? And the hotel itself - a replica of the ship: the window in the form of windows, there is the captain's cabin, masts, screws, all the hair's breadth.
If you drive by car to the hotel, you will find that it is broken around a very interesting park with a variety of sculptures. View and there is something (not in vain after all the money taken for the pass - 5,000 won) from sculptures in the style of surrealism and cubism understandable to the layman conventional compositions and even a cafe located in the hill raised two railway cars. There is a park and composition, open the new millennium - the two huge palm, which is meant to keep the rising sun of a new era. Indeed, if we come to the sunrise and get up at a certain angle, it is possible to "catch" and this view. From a platform on the roof of the ship, the hotel offers stunning views of the entire village Chondonchzhin, which lies at the bottom and on the East Sea to the bay and beach.
Several elaborate on other attractions of this ensemble. The broken around the ship-hotel park has a museum. He has two names: a museum of sound and Thomas Edison Museum. It is devoted to inventions, mainly in the field of phonics, made this outstanding scientist. But first a few words about the appearance of the museum. He once again applaud forces to plan the entire park and hotel architect. I made like a hotel, in the form of a ship. Only if a hotel - a modern ocean liner, the museum - it is a sailboat. Maybe it was done as a symbol of the past and present of the fleet, maybe not, but it turned out, in my view, very interesting. So there are these two ships side by side directly on top of the mountain, which in itself makes the overall picture of the town special.
Inside the museum you will travel to the world of gramophones, xylophones, and other players. They are a great many, and is credited with creating many of them belongs to Edison. Apparently, it was really extraordinary genius scientist. On account of his great number of inventions from phonographs and player enhancements to the iron, typewriter and lamp. Just amazing how it all managed to make one person. But it seems that he could and more, take him to the fate of a longer lifespan. On the museum wall inscribed with his words perfectly reflect its essence and character: "I would like to live a hundred years. I think I have so many ideas that their implementation will require at least as much time. " The museum itself is small. In addition to relating to the reproduction of sound devices (particularly representative collection of gramophones) there are other exhibits. Already mentioned the old irons, typewriters, bulbs, transformers, TV sets. Basically, that was invented by Edison, but not only. Is there, by the way, an old car - a replica of the one that appeared in the movie "Titanic" (the car in the hold of the ship, where played a love scene between the protagonists of films). The museum is small but very interesting. It is enough to be interesting to see how some of the appliances looked in the past.
The second exhibition is called "time and art." This is inherently a rich collection of clocks in the style of XVIII - early XX centuries. All kinds of clocks, watches in the form of ancient statues and other samples. Everything shines, sparkles, dazzling with its brilliance. It seems that are present at the exhibition hours of a European palace.
It is in this department is, perhaps, the main "jewel" of all museum collections. Here are only a gold watch, which survived to the famous ship "Titanic" sank on the way from England to the United States April 15, 1912. They belonged to a passenger cabin of the second class Irish Nora Keane. The woman traveled to visit his mother and returned to the United States. In a way it caught a tragedy, but it is still saved. In the confusion of the landing on the lifeboat dropped Nora watch. The mechanism got sea water and they stopped. So because of this watch has learned the exact time when "Titanic" on the bottom left - 2 hours 20 minutes on the night of April 15, 1912. Indeed, a unique exhibit. Frankly, this kind of relic expect to see more in Europe, the United States, but not in South Korea. As it turned out, the Koreans specially collected money and bought the watch at auction, which sold off these things from the sunken ship.
The third exhibition is called "time and enthusiasm." It seems that the authors of the works presented there were asked to create the most bizarre and unusual hours. Indeed, then there just will not see: the clock, where time is measured by means of constantly reverberating successive balls, clocks of a few meters, where time is measured by means of huge interlocking circles, the watch is completely made of wood and much more. There are explicit, as they say, "fun" for example, a clock, where the gears rotate the iron men, watches in the form of the steam engine and so on. In general, the imagination and ingenuity of the authors always want to applaud.
The fourth section of the museum is somewhat similar to the previous. It housed the most interesting works of several artists. Almost all the work there provided you can safely give a prize for originality.
As often happens in Korean museums, it also is an active education and outreach. Exhibits not just show a brief signed by each of them, but also explained the characteristics of the principle of action. Regularly held and excursions for schoolchildren.
To sum up the story about the museum, one can say that he is very organically fits into "temporary" or "clock" theme, which dominates the village Chondonzhin. Recall that this place has become famous in the first place because of the fact that there were shooting one of the most touching moments of the series "Hourglass", which was wildly popular in Korea in the mid-1990s. The museum at one hundred percent it deserves spent time and money to take at least a nail collection - watches with "Titanic". Where else can see? The main thing is not only to miss the museum as Chondonchzhine attractions galore.
If, after viewing all the attractions Chondonchzhina remain more time and effort, you can drive a few kilometers down the road along the sea towards Gangneung and visit a Buddhist temple located here Tynmёnnakkasa.
Frankly speaking, this is one of the many, so to speak, the "standard" of Buddhist temples in South Korea. At the entrance the colorful gates, means that after they begin the world of the Buddha, then the complex of buildings, including several shrines and living quarters for the monks. There are, however, his pride - a small five-tier stone pagoda, which refers to the historical period of Goryeo (918 - 1392 years) If you have already seen some of the Korean Buddhist monasteries, especially the visit Tymёnnakkasa may not be worth it, but if no such experience or if you want privacy, this temple is that it is necessary - a small, modest, tidy and not overloaded with numerous crowds of tourists.
If we follow the traditions of some guidebooks, this is the place - the whole Chonchdochzhin in the complex: the station, a park with an hourglass, a hotel, a museum, etc. - I would attribute to the attractions for which you can plan a separate trip. Look at what is, and if the time still remain, the nearby there are plenty of entertaining places - from exposed for all to see, and turned into a memorial to a North Korean submarine, run aground in South Korea in 1996, to the mountain monasteries and waterfalls. If you decide to go, the "home page" on the Internet of the ship-hotel: www.esuncruise.com. Chondonchzhin itself is located on the East Coast. That is, from Seoul first need to go on the highway number 50 to Gangneung, and then the usual number 7 road to the south along the coast. Just be careful: present a new road number 7 is a little away from the coast and is more like a standard highways and Chondonchzhin on the old number 7, which goes straight to the sea very tightly, winding along the coast.

Probably there are few Koreans who do not know in the picturesque east coast railway station Chondochzhin. I have often heard the opinion that it is just not the most romantic place in the whole of Korea. Of course, it is too subjective assessment, someone may not agree. But in any case, the scenery there is really very beautiful: a large sandy bay with a beach clean clear water of East (Japan) Sea and very close to the beautiful mountains.

You could even say that the place is a bit congested places. Firstly, a park with a huge hourglass, where at one time rented one of the most popular Korean TV series, which is called "Hourglass". By the way, after this film, during which the show in South Korea street just died out, place Chondonchzhin became especially popular. At the same time, and there were huge hourglass in the park, which are made of a huge wheel.

These clocks were built by "Samsung Electronics" and began to work in 2000. They sand exactly a year (about eight tons) on New Year's night, they turn over, so it is one of the most popular places to celebrate the New Year. They say that in the New Year's Eve is going to at least ten thousand people.

Secondly, the railway station. She is famous for being built very close to the sea.

Third, situated on one of the mountains bordering the bay, the hotel complex Sun Cruise Hotel. Architects can not deny the boldness and originality of thought. The hotel is designed as a huge ocean liner, which stands on a cliff top, right on the edge of the cliff to the sea. Can you imagine what there overlooking? And the hotel itself - a replica of the ship: the window in the form of windows, there is the captain's cabin, masts, screws, all the hair's breadth.

If you drive by car to the hotel, you will find that it is broken around a very interesting park with a variety of sculptures. View and there is something (not in vain after all the money taken for the pass - 5,000 won) from sculptures in the style of surrealism and cubism understandable to the layman conventional compositions and even a cafe located in the hill raised two railway cars. There is a park and composition, open the new millennium - the two huge palm, which is meant to keep the rising sun of a new era. Indeed, if we come to the sunrise and get up at a certain angle, it is possible to "catch" and this view. From a platform on the roof of the ship, the hotel offers stunning views of the entire village Chondonchzhin, which lies at the bottom and on the East Sea to the bay and beach.

Several elaborate on other attractions of this ensemble. The broken around the ship-hotel park has a museum. He has two names: a museum of sound and Thomas Edison Museum. It is devoted to inventions, mainly in the field of phonics, made this outstanding scientist. But first a few words about the appearance of the museum. He once again applaud forces to plan the entire park and hotel architect. I made like a hotel, in the form of a ship. Only if a hotel - a modern ocean liner, the museum - it is a sailboat. Maybe it was done as a symbol of the past and present of the fleet, maybe not, but it turned out, in my view, very interesting. So there are these two ships side by side directly on top of the mountain, which in itself makes the overall picture of the town special.

Inside the museum you will travel to the world of gramophones, xylophones, and other players. They are a great many, and is credited with creating many of them belongs to Edison. Apparently, it was really extraordinary genius scientist. On account of his great number of inventions from phonographs and player enhancements to the iron, typewriter and lamp. Just amazing how it all managed to make one person. But it seems that he could and more, take him to the fate of a longer lifespan. On the museum wall inscribed with his words perfectly reflect its essence and character: "I would like to live a hundred years. I think I have so many ideas that their implementation will require at least as much time. " The museum itself is small. In addition to relating to the reproduction of sound devices (particularly representative collection of gramophones) there are other exhibits. Already mentioned the old irons, typewriters, bulbs, transformers, TV sets. Basically, that was invented by Edison, but not only. Is there, by the way, an old car - a replica of the one that appeared in the movie "Titanic" (the car in the hold of the ship, where played a love scene between the protagonists of films). The museum is small but very interesting. It is enough to be interesting to see how some of the appliances looked in the past.

The second exhibition is called "time and art." This is inherently a rich collection of clocks in the style of XVIII - early XX centuries. All kinds of clocks, watches in the form of ancient statues and other samples. Everything shines, sparkles, dazzling with its brilliance. It seems that are present at the exhibition hours of a European palace.
It is in this department is, perhaps, the main "jewel" of all museum collections. Here are only a gold watch, which survived to the famous ship "Titanic" sank on the way from England to the United States April 15, 1912. They belonged to a passenger cabin of the second class Irish Nora Keane. The woman traveled to visit his mother and returned to the United States. In a way it caught a tragedy, but it is still saved. In the confusion of the landing on the lifeboat dropped Nora watch. The mechanism got sea water and they stopped. So because of this watch has learned the exact time when "Titanic" on the bottom left - 2 hours 20 minutes on the night of April 15, 1912. Indeed, a unique exhibit. Frankly, this kind of relic expect to see more in Europe, the United States, but not in South Korea. As it turned out, the Koreans specially collected money and bought the watch at auction, which sold off these things from the sunken ship.

The third exhibition is called "time and enthusiasm." It seems that the authors of the works presented there were asked to create the most bizarre and unusual hours. Indeed, then there just will not see: the clock, where time is measured by means of constantly reverberating successive balls, clocks of a few meters, where time is measured by means of huge interlocking circles, the watch is completely made of wood and much more. There are explicit, as they say, "fun" for example, a clock, where the gears rotate the iron men, watches in the form of the steam engine and so on. In general, the imagination and ingenuity of the authors always want to applaud.
The fourth section of the museum is somewhat similar to the previous. It housed the most interesting works of several artists. Almost all the work there provided you can safely give a prize for originality.

As often happens in Korean museums, it also is an active education and outreach. Exhibits not just show a brief signed by each of them, but also explained the characteristics of the principle of action. Regularly held and excursions for schoolchildren.
To sum up the story about the museum, one can say that he is very organically fits into "temporary" or "clock" theme, which dominates the village Chondonzhin. Recall that this place has become famous in the first place because of the fact that there were shooting one of the most touching moments of the series "Hourglass", which was wildly popular in Korea in the mid-1990s. The museum at one hundred percent it deserves spent time and money to take at least a nail collection - watches with "Titanic". Where else can see? The main thing is not only to miss the museum as Chondonchzhine attractions galore.
If, after viewing all the attractions Chondonchzhina remain more time and effort, you can drive a few kilometers down the road along the sea towards Gangneung and visit a Buddhist temple located here Tynmёnnakkasa.

Frankly speaking, this is one of the many, so to speak, the "standard" of Buddhist temples in South Korea. At the entrance the colorful gates, means that after they begin the world of the Buddha, then the complex of buildings, including several shrines and living quarters for the monks. There are, however, his pride - a small five-tier stone pagoda, which refers to the historical period of Goryeo (918 - 1392 years) If you have already seen some of the Korean Buddhist monasteries, especially the visit Tymёnnakkasa may not be worth it, but if no such experience or if you want privacy, this temple is that it is necessary - a small, modest, tidy and not overloaded with numerous crowds of tourists.

If we follow the traditions of some guidebooks, this is the place - the whole Chonchdochzhin in the complex: the station, a park with an hourglass, a hotel, a museum, etc. - I would attribute to the attractions for which you can plan a separate trip. Look at what is, and if the time still remain, the nearby there are plenty of entertaining places - from exposed for all to see, and turned into a memorial to a North Korean submarine, run aground in South Korea in 1996, to the mountain monasteries and waterfalls. If you decide to go, the "home page" on the Internet of the ship-hotel: www.esuncruise.com. Chondonchzhin itself is located on the East Coast. That is, from Seoul first need to go on the highway number 50 to Gangneung, and then the usual number 7 road to the south along the coast. Just be careful: present a new road number 7 is a little away from the coast and is more like a standard highways and Chondonchzhin on the old number 7, which goes straight to the sea very tightly, winding along the coast.