Most horrific experiments on human beings (5 photos)
The question of the participation of people in scientific experiments has always been a subject of heated debate. On the one hand, the experience allows us to get more information about the human body, which can be extremely useful in the future. On the other hand, the ethical aspects of this problem requires serious consideration.
Search for the optimal balance between these two factors, it seems, would be the best solution. Ideally, we need to conduct experiments in which the negative consequences for humans will be minimized. This article will be discussed about the experiments that run counter to this concept. You can not imagine all the pain through which passed these poor, becoming guinea pigs for those who like to play God.
Surgical treatment of madness
Dr. Henry Cotton believed that localized infections - the main reason of insanity.
After Cotton in 1907 became head of psihlechebnitsy in the US city of Trenton, he began to introduce a procedure he called surgical bacteriology. Cotton spent thousands of operations on patients, often without their consent. At the beginning of the operations, they removed the teeth and tonsils, as if that were not enough, they went even further and removed the internal organs, which are considered a source of problems. He believed in his method so much that he even applied it to himself and his family: his wife, his teeth removed and his two sons (one of them and he removed another part of the colon).
Cotton claimed that his treatment was very effective, it has worked as a lightning rod for criticism of those who thought his methods terrible. He justified the death of 49-year-man from colectomy, stating that patients suffering from psychosis in the terminal stages before surgery.
Later, an independent study showed that Cotton greatly exaggerated results. After his death in 1933, the operation is no longer carried out, and the views of Cotton's gone. But to his credit: despite its perverse understanding of medicine, he was sincere in his desire to help patients.
Pouring boiling water
Such a method of treatment of typhoid pneumonia, more like a torture was used by Dr. Walter Jones in 1840. For many months he felt his treatment at the slaves suffering from this disease. Jones has described in detail how a patient's 25-year-old man was forced to strip naked and lie on his stomach, and then poured on his back 19 liters of boiling water.
This poor guy did not end suffering: the procedure "should" be repeated every four hours - this, according to Jones, was enough to restore microcirculation after scalding boiling water. Jones later said that his treatment has helped many, but this has not been confirmed by independent experts. And no wonder.
Electric shocks to the brain
The idea is to hit someone shock sounds unpleasant, but Dr. Roberts Bartolou Cincinnati went even further - he sent an electric current directly into the brain of a patient. In 1847 Bartolou treated patient named Mary Rafferty, who was suffering from an ulcer on his skull. The ulcer had eaten cranial bone so much that you could see her brain.
With the permission of the patient Bartolou inserted electrodes directly into the brain and letting them discharge current, began to observe the reaction. He repeated the experiment eight times for four days. Initially Rafferty felt fine, but in the later stages of treatment has become very inflated, and then fell into a coma. Shortly thereafter, she died.
Public outrage was so great that Bartolou had to leave and continue their work elsewhere. Later, he settled in Philadelphia and eventually received an honorable teaching position at Jefferson Medical College.
Shock therapy for children and LSD
Perhaps the best known Loretta Bender brought the development of Gestalt test that can be used to evaluate motor and cognitive abilities of the child. However, Lauretta Bender was also involved in a very controversial research. Being a psychiatrist in Bellevyulskoy Hospital in the 1940's, Bender exposed daily shock therapy 98 children in an attempt to heal them from the so-called "childhood schizophrenia».
She reported that shock therapy was very successful, but recurrence was observed in only a small number of children. But a shock therapy, in her opinion, was not enough: Bender also give children adult doses of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD and psilocybin (chemicals in hallucinogenic mushrooms), sometimes poor children receiving the drug for several weeks. And although it has not been officially proven, there have been suggestions that it has received funding for their research from the infamous CIA program called "MKULTRA».
Guatemalan syphilis experiment
The professor, who in 2010 spent infamous Tuskegee study, found that the same organization conducted a similar experiment in Guatemala. This discovery prompted the White House to form an investigative committee, which found that in 1946, the government-sponsored researchers deliberately infected Guatemalans with syphilis in 1300.
The study, which lasted 2 years, was intended to determine the extent of the effectiveness of penicillin in the treatment of patients already infected with syphilis. To do this, the researchers paid prostitutes to spread disease among the soldiers, prisoners and the mentally ill, who were unaware that they were infected with syphilis. During the experiment on 83 people died of syphilis.
After this discovery, Barack Obama was forced to personally apologize to the president and the people of Guatemala.
Search for the optimal balance between these two factors, it seems, would be the best solution. Ideally, we need to conduct experiments in which the negative consequences for humans will be minimized. This article will be discussed about the experiments that run counter to this concept. You can not imagine all the pain through which passed these poor, becoming guinea pigs for those who like to play God.
Surgical treatment of madness

Dr. Henry Cotton believed that localized infections - the main reason of insanity.
After Cotton in 1907 became head of psihlechebnitsy in the US city of Trenton, he began to introduce a procedure he called surgical bacteriology. Cotton spent thousands of operations on patients, often without their consent. At the beginning of the operations, they removed the teeth and tonsils, as if that were not enough, they went even further and removed the internal organs, which are considered a source of problems. He believed in his method so much that he even applied it to himself and his family: his wife, his teeth removed and his two sons (one of them and he removed another part of the colon).
Cotton claimed that his treatment was very effective, it has worked as a lightning rod for criticism of those who thought his methods terrible. He justified the death of 49-year-man from colectomy, stating that patients suffering from psychosis in the terminal stages before surgery.
Later, an independent study showed that Cotton greatly exaggerated results. After his death in 1933, the operation is no longer carried out, and the views of Cotton's gone. But to his credit: despite its perverse understanding of medicine, he was sincere in his desire to help patients.
Pouring boiling water

Such a method of treatment of typhoid pneumonia, more like a torture was used by Dr. Walter Jones in 1840. For many months he felt his treatment at the slaves suffering from this disease. Jones has described in detail how a patient's 25-year-old man was forced to strip naked and lie on his stomach, and then poured on his back 19 liters of boiling water.
This poor guy did not end suffering: the procedure "should" be repeated every four hours - this, according to Jones, was enough to restore microcirculation after scalding boiling water. Jones later said that his treatment has helped many, but this has not been confirmed by independent experts. And no wonder.
Electric shocks to the brain

The idea is to hit someone shock sounds unpleasant, but Dr. Roberts Bartolou Cincinnati went even further - he sent an electric current directly into the brain of a patient. In 1847 Bartolou treated patient named Mary Rafferty, who was suffering from an ulcer on his skull. The ulcer had eaten cranial bone so much that you could see her brain.
With the permission of the patient Bartolou inserted electrodes directly into the brain and letting them discharge current, began to observe the reaction. He repeated the experiment eight times for four days. Initially Rafferty felt fine, but in the later stages of treatment has become very inflated, and then fell into a coma. Shortly thereafter, she died.
Public outrage was so great that Bartolou had to leave and continue their work elsewhere. Later, he settled in Philadelphia and eventually received an honorable teaching position at Jefferson Medical College.
Shock therapy for children and LSD

Perhaps the best known Loretta Bender brought the development of Gestalt test that can be used to evaluate motor and cognitive abilities of the child. However, Lauretta Bender was also involved in a very controversial research. Being a psychiatrist in Bellevyulskoy Hospital in the 1940's, Bender exposed daily shock therapy 98 children in an attempt to heal them from the so-called "childhood schizophrenia».
She reported that shock therapy was very successful, but recurrence was observed in only a small number of children. But a shock therapy, in her opinion, was not enough: Bender also give children adult doses of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD and psilocybin (chemicals in hallucinogenic mushrooms), sometimes poor children receiving the drug for several weeks. And although it has not been officially proven, there have been suggestions that it has received funding for their research from the infamous CIA program called "MKULTRA».
Guatemalan syphilis experiment

The professor, who in 2010 spent infamous Tuskegee study, found that the same organization conducted a similar experiment in Guatemala. This discovery prompted the White House to form an investigative committee, which found that in 1946, the government-sponsored researchers deliberately infected Guatemalans with syphilis in 1300.
The study, which lasted 2 years, was intended to determine the extent of the effectiveness of penicillin in the treatment of patients already infected with syphilis. To do this, the researchers paid prostitutes to spread disease among the soldiers, prisoners and the mentally ill, who were unaware that they were infected with syphilis. During the experiment on 83 people died of syphilis.
After this discovery, Barack Obama was forced to personally apologize to the president and the people of Guatemala.