What we know about hamsters

Hamster - are there, there - are, in general, the keyword to understand the term - "is." Ie nishtyaki absorb. Hamster only true sentient being and neinache.

Homyachestvo - hamsters distinguished from other creatures. Bacillus reasonable form of evolution consists in rogloschenii and nykanyi nishtyakof.

Zahomyachit - snykat

Nahomyachit - to make the rest of nishtyakof not enough.

Othomyachit - return zahomyachennoe someone and prihomyachit currently.

Prihomyachit - see. Zahomyachit.

Vhomyachit - catch the one who nahomyachil.

Podhomyachit - nahomyachit unnoticed.

Perehomyachit- Change dislocation snykannyh nishtyakof.

Shomyachit - othomyachit unnoticed.

Uhomyachit - skryttsa with nishtyak.

Nahomyachittsa - consume a lot alkogolesoderzhaschih nishtyakof.

Homyatsizm - operation homyacheygo Society, whose motto is: "All around the popular, all around yours. If all the people together, so all anyone's That dragged home, only yours. ยป

Homyakologiya - science studies homyakof.

Homolend - our world.

Nishtyak - the basis of peace, purpose and ultimate meaning of life. An integral part of the culture and way of life.

Homografiya - the only decent kind of creativity - image homyakof (there is also a nishtyakmort - Rec. Nishtyakof)

Homofiliya - a healthy love of his mind.

Homosed - Hamster rarely leave the burrow.

Hom - home homyakof (native mink)

Homunalka - Hamster where many homyakof.

Suhomyatku - hamsters left without beer.

Homuray - the ancient Battle Hamster.

Clamp - muddy hamster (with pomelo or neprosypu)

Homokratiya - type homyatsistom power in society, the power of hamsters, hamsters and homyakof.

Homunizm - hamster bright future where nishtyaki for free.

Homkovanie - homyakof method of reproduction.

Hoministy - followers of the doctrine of the hamsters and nishtyak original.

Homo Sutra - a book about homkovaniya combination with other activities, in order to save time hamster.

Homlo - rough Hamster

Homertsiya - hamster trade relations in a society where everyone wants one, a friend, to :. Obloposhit in sense. Hompaniya - hamsters get-together.

Hombat - commander hamsters.

Hompanskoe - alkogolesoderzhaschy drink drink on holidays in hompanii.

Homutator - a hamster running on a telephone exchange.

Homolet - years. Apparatus hamster izabreteniya.

Homofon - communication mink, with mink door.

Homar - insect drinking blood and nykat her cheeks.

Homatoz - a condition when the hamster is inadequate due to excessive absorption nishtyakov or excessive sleep / lack of sleep.

Honevo - all of the above


See also

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