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10 facts convincingly prove that the placebo effect really works

Thirteen million nine hundred seventy nine thousand five hundred eighteen

1. The placebo effect gets stronger

Despite the fact that the first mention of placebo is dated 1700, the year of the first serious studies were conducted only in 1970, On the basis of past and present studies it can be concluded that over time the placebo effect is becoming stronger. This can be explained by improvement of medicine today is the patient going to the doctor a lot more believe in the possibility to heal than it was, say, in the middle ages. The same goes for drugs: believe in the efficacy of drugs is much easier today than 100 years ago.

2. Treatment of injuries of an effective placebo-операции

Imagine a patient suffering from injuries requiring surgical intervention. After the operation the condition of the victim returns to normal, and he is firmly convinced that the procedure benefited. And only several months after a person learns that the intervention was not, and he was only led to believe that the treatment helped.

The described situation is a positive result of this test the surgical placebo. And best of all, fake much cheaper than the real.

3. The color of the pills with placebo effect on the efficiency лечения

Subconsciously, people are more inclined to believe a nice wrapper than the contents within it. This includes medicines whose appearance can affect the efficiency.

Yellow pill with a placebo is more effective in treating depression than the red, because the latter are associated with danger and aggression. Green pills to help with anxiety, while white help treat stomach disorders. Frequency of drug intake also affects the result — the more, the stronger the effect. In addition, tablets from top brands more effective than usual. It seems that people are superficial and gullible even when we are talking on counterfeit medicines.

4. The placebo has an evil twin brother — ноцебо

As well as the belief in a positive outcome of treatment can heal, and the belief in the negative consequences can hurt. This effect is called "nocebo".

Studies have shown that false information on the possibility of negative consequences can cause the real symptoms of ailments. Another manifestation of the nocebo effect — patients taking real drugs stop believing in their effectiveness, and it really reduced.

5. You can get the placebo effect from becoming infected with a disease that is not associated with the real заболеванием

Scientists decided to answer the question whether placebo effect on people with asthma, which infect nematodes (round worms) and will them to heal. Bronchial asthmatics were divided into two groups. Some were infected with the nematodes, while others were forced to believe that they are also infected. The first group showed improvement from placebo treatment, and despite the fact that they were not infected. Strange also was the fact that many infected nematodes chose to remain positive after the experiment. Apparently, due to the positive impact of worms on asthma :)

6. Placebo acts on the body, even if the patient knows it's плацебо

The essence of the therapeutic effect of placebos depends on the faith of the patient in the efficacy of the drug. But it turns out that if patients know that they have "dummy", they continue to believe in the effectiveness of treatment.

In recent studies, patients who were treated with a placebo, eventually admitted that she knew about it. It would seem that in this regard, the positive results of the treatment were supposed to decline, but the effect remained, and many continued to take placebo.

7. The power of the placebo effect depends on the location проживания

US residents are very prone to hypochondria, so in this country is much more advertising of vaccination, and people believe in the power of injections. Europeans respond better to capsule with placebo than on the injections.

It turns out that cultural factors have a strong influence on the choice of method of taking drugs. For example, drugs with placebo from ulcers is much more effective in Germany than in Brazil. However, when testing a placebo in hypertensive patients, Germany showed the lowest results.

Cultural features — a powerful tool that generates fears, hopes and expectations of a placebo effect in a particular country.

8. The placebo effect is capable of опьянить

Recent studies showed that person can be convinced that he's drunk. Scientists have discovered: the people believed that they drink vodka (although, it was a tonic and lime), disturbed cognitive functions: they are worse decided simple tests and their IQ dropped a few points.

Students of the Princeton first discovered this property in the bar where they served only non-alcoholic beer, young people not only had fun and relaxed, but also feel obyasnenie. So now it is not necessary to spend money on expensive alcohol — you just need to believe.

9. Almost all antidepressants липовые

Depression undoubtedly has a detrimental impact on the body, and in recent years, doctors handing out prescription medication for depression like candy on Halloween. Proof of their effectiveness is the increased percentage cured. But actually the placebo effect in the treatment of depression is the same, but no side effects. This is good news for those suffering from mental illness — all these diseases are associated with disorders of the brain, and therefore they should be treated, influencing or tricking the Central nervous system.

10. The placebo effect affects dogs and other животные

By conducting another experiment, patients with epilepsy dogs were divided into two groups. One was given the real drug and the other placebo. Dogs received placebo responded to the treatment positively, then we can assume that not only people susceptible to this effect.

Studies conducted on Siberian hamsters, confirmed that in these animals the effect works similar to placebo. Several hamsters were convinced that the approaching winter and hibernating, and their body produces a sufficient amount of energy to maintain life. This mechanism explains why we are recovering only when we believe in the medication.



Source: www.publy.ru/