Why PlayStation

Now, many questioned what console to buy (although some have found a simple solution - buy both). We list the advantages and disadvantages of each of them:
The Xbox 360
- Cool design
- Support for HDTV
- Powerful online
- Issued for 22 November this year
- Poor compatibility with games Xbox 1 (According to the developer: «Xbox 360 is compatible only with the best games on the Xbox»)
- There is no support for Blu-Ray or HD-DVD
- Weak starting lineup of games
- Price: $ 400
The PlayStation 3
- Also supports HDTV
- Even more powerful hardware than the Xbox 360
- Fully compatible with games for the PS1 and PS2
- Blu-Ray disc (25 GB)
- More powerful starting lineup
- Its a Sony
- Design is weaker than that of the Xbox 360 (the font of Spider-Man, debility horned joystick)
- Sophisticated architecture (minus for the game developers)
- The price do not know (but we hope it will be lower than that of the Xbox 360)
- Weaker online than Xbox Live
Well, about the game:
Those who want to play Halo 3, Perfect Dark Zero, Dead or Alive 4, Oblivion - buy an Xbox 360
And who is behind Final Fantasy, Tekken, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry - PlayStation 3, the need
PS: Personally, I'll take the PS3 72,465,790