Electronic Voice Phenomena
... But some really peresrutsya and reading this post at night looking for a long time will be tossing and turning in bed and suffer from insomnia fear
I myself do not believe it, but the text looks quite convincing
EVP - Electronic Voice Phenomenon - electronic voice phenomenon - spontaneous or intentionally induced expression on the recording and transmission equipment (tape recorder, radio, TV, telephone, specially designed equipment) of the votes of the unknown rational sources, often identify themselves with the already dead people.
Fasting for fans peredachek like "ghosts in the territory DTV»
The votes obtained by experiments with EGF, a first approximation is divided into "direct electro-acoustic voices" who enter into a dialogue with the experimenter and heard in real time, and "tape voices" that can not be heard in the recording process, but are audible during playback. According to the researchers divided the sound quality of voice tape into three classes. Voice Class A perfectly audible, well distinguished and easily recognizable. These voices are the loudest signal in the record. If the recording is heard a strong vibration, and the end of the word "eat", the voice belongs to a class B. This time voice fades and reappears after a while. Considered the worst record of votes Class C: The signal is very weak, it barely captured hearing.
For a long time the very suschestvanie EGF or ignored by official science or reduced simply to a document recording the results. However, in 2004 a group of scientists composed of Dr. Cardoso, prof. Radio Physics of the University of Naples, Mario Festa, prof. David Fontana and engineer Paolo Pres published a special report. It describes the details of the experiment, during which it was first obtained by objective scientific evidence of the EGF, as well as its typical characteristics radically different from the characteristics of random radio broadcasts.
Generally, people love to be exhausted on the radio waves. If you watched the movie "White Noise" - you have understood perfectly vyshenapisannogo text. There is another popular movie "radio wave" in which the son with the help of radio amateur receiver talked with his father, a firefighter who died a long time ago.
By the way, supporters of the existence of radio communication between the worlds have a website with examples - photo, video and audio can be viewed here: www.aaevp.com/examples. htm

I myself do not believe it, but the text looks quite convincing
EVP - Electronic Voice Phenomenon - electronic voice phenomenon - spontaneous or intentionally induced expression on the recording and transmission equipment (tape recorder, radio, TV, telephone, specially designed equipment) of the votes of the unknown rational sources, often identify themselves with the already dead people.

Fasting for fans peredachek like "ghosts in the territory DTV»
The votes obtained by experiments with EGF, a first approximation is divided into "direct electro-acoustic voices" who enter into a dialogue with the experimenter and heard in real time, and "tape voices" that can not be heard in the recording process, but are audible during playback. According to the researchers divided the sound quality of voice tape into three classes. Voice Class A perfectly audible, well distinguished and easily recognizable. These voices are the loudest signal in the record. If the recording is heard a strong vibration, and the end of the word "eat", the voice belongs to a class B. This time voice fades and reappears after a while. Considered the worst record of votes Class C: The signal is very weak, it barely captured hearing.
For a long time the very suschestvanie EGF or ignored by official science or reduced simply to a document recording the results. However, in 2004 a group of scientists composed of Dr. Cardoso, prof. Radio Physics of the University of Naples, Mario Festa, prof. David Fontana and engineer Paolo Pres published a special report. It describes the details of the experiment, during which it was first obtained by objective scientific evidence of the EGF, as well as its typical characteristics radically different from the characteristics of random radio broadcasts.
Generally, people love to be exhausted on the radio waves. If you watched the movie "White Noise" - you have understood perfectly vyshenapisannogo text. There is another popular movie "radio wave" in which the son with the help of radio amateur receiver talked with his father, a firefighter who died a long time ago.
By the way, supporters of the existence of radio communication between the worlds have a website with examples - photo, video and audio can be viewed here: www.aaevp.com/examples. htm