20 random facts about ...
The largest number of successfully surviving children at the time of birth - 8, and lucky because Nadya Suleman young mother from California, in 2009. Of the 8 infants - 6 boys and 2 girls, who celebrated their first birthday on Jan. 26, 2010.
Each year in the United States there are about 6 million the processes of conception. This means that at any point in time, about 4% of pregnant women.
25% of couples actively trying to conceive a child prior to the first month after the wedding, a woman. About 90% of couples trying to conceive within the first 12 months of life together.
About 10% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Many often occur before a woman is aware that she was pregnant.
Each year, about 1, 2 million women in the US are trying to end their pregnancies by abortion.
In 3% of pregnant women are born twins. This figure has increased by almost 60% since the beginning of the 1980s. It should be noted that about 17% of women older than 45 years also give birth to twins.
In Nigeria, the largest number born twins - about 4, 5%. Some experts attribute this fact to the increased consumption of yam in the country. (approx. "yam" - potatoes with orange tubers growing on vines, with watery structure and sweet taste).
Nearly half a million children each year in the US are born to teenage mothers.
After giving birth, about 13% of American women giving birth are issued with a diagnosis of "postpartum depression».
The size of an average full-term baby in the US is 3600 grams. It is almost a kilogram more than 30 years ago - 2700 grams.
The largest child was born in 1879, his weight was 23 pounds (about 10 kilograms), unfortunately, he died 11 hours after birth. And here in 2009 on the island of Sumatra (Indonesia) had a second leadership in the size of the baby, who survived. His weight was 19, 2 pounds (~ 8.6 kg).
Less than 1% of pregnant women in the United States resolved to give birth their children at home, while 30% of Dutch women settle for a home birth.
About one in three children are now born in the United States, thanks to a cesarean section. The number of operations with the use of cesarean section in the United States since 1996 has increased by almost 46%.
According to an article from the newspaper Time Magazine, published in 1945, the longest period of pregnancy in women was noted as 375 days (as opposed to the usual 280 days). Surprisingly, the weight of the unborn child was only 6 pounds 15 ounces (a little over 3, 5 kilograms).
Less than 10% of children born in the period of the scheduled date, 50% of births - with a range of one week, 90% - in two weeks.
Pregnant women in the normal weight category to consume 300 calories a day more. Figuratively it is comparable to the one portion of yogurt and half a bagel.
Although not all expectant mothers go crazy for pickles and ice cream, but the fact remains that during pregnancy there is an additional body's need for minerals and maintaining a proper level of serotonin.
Despite many rumors, microwaves from cooking stoves is not a threat to the future of the fetus.
During pregnancy, women have more frequent bleeding gums and nosebleeds. This is due to hormonal changes that increase the blood flow to the mouth and nose.
The appearance of milk for breastfeeding, in fact, may begin in the second trimester for some women.
About 70% of pregnant women complain of symptoms of morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Pregnant women usually experience a very heightened sense of smell at the end of the first trimester. It is characterized by the fact the body's ability to protect his mother from the use of products that are dangerous to the fetus.
Many women experience a thickening and changing shine during pregnancy associated with rebuilding and hormonal intake of additional vitamins.
Women experience difficulty when wearing shoes during pregnancy because of the foot, after increasing the amount of fluid in the body, become more and more widely.