Memory Hendrix
Production company Fender guitars to celebrate the release of a new posthumous album Jimmy Hendrix commissioned the artist Ed Chapman portrait guitarist.
Chapman refers to the company of British artists who seek and find new approaches in the mosaic. Since the early nineties, Ed has created portraits of many famous people. In particular, it did not escape the attention of David Bowie and Beckham.
Hendrix same master novomozaichnogo case carved from mediators Fender, because their model Stratocaster guitar was a favorite Jimmy.
Self portrait of one hundred and eighty-five in centimeters will be on display in a store dedicated to the guitarist People, Hell and Angels (the title of the last album), which opened in London's Soho second of April.
By the way, a year ago, Chapman has created a portrait of one of the five thousand Hendrix mediators, all proceeds from the sale of which (twenty-three thousand pounds) are listed in British Cancer Research Fund.
New posthumous album Hendrix dare to recommend to all his fans, because it included twelve previously unreleased studio album. (There's generally quite abundant heritage - when life was published about three hundred and fifty of his works. Now Jimmy's sister Janie together with Kramer and McDermott working posthumous publication). Album started very briskly - Billboard hits put him in second place. And sales - 72,000 in the first week - left far behind Lifetime Achievement legend. Well, it happens.