Tombstone TREES - a new step biological revolution

Tombstone TREES - a new step biological revolution
Among the arguments about whether to admit into Europe of genetically modified food sources, and that the UN was going to say, banning research on embryonic cells appeared unnoticed fact that the company "Bioabsence" has made a new step in the advancement of genetic plants. British Council of Environment, after a long discussion, gave permission for planting trees in their nuclei containing human genes, on land privately owned. In the year since its inception, the team has successfully implemented its original idea: the British Isles apple, in their nuclei containing human DNA, in the past six months dropped to five hundred graves. Trees monuments were only the first success "Bioabsence". The company has developed a research center, to develop various areas related to the creation of plants with fundamentally new properties.
More than a monument
"Over 20, 000 pounds pervert the corpse in a tree will get exactly what they promised in the brochure: a seedling apple tree in the kernel which includes DNA unforgettable dead" - says CEO Alice Foxy. "This method of making a living monument makes it possible for people with an average income after the death of access to the club for the elite" - adds deputy director Basil Blindcat. "A lot of biochemical processes in organisms is controlled by the same multi-proteins - says research consultant Dr. Lerner Oak (Oak Learner) of Grinoys University Botanical College (Greennoise University Botany College). - Accordingly, the genes that control these proteins, the absolute value for you, me and the apple. If the assembly "Chevrolet" you replace a little nuts the same parts unscrewed from "Boeing", you still get a "Chevy". "
Portrait similarity
"At the same time, - continues Dr. Lerner - may highlight the group of genes of human DNA which are responsible for certain features as the size and shape of the bones of the skull and, coloring external coverings, and others. Replacing the corresponding genes in the plant nucleus of these constellations makes it possible to obtain, respectively, deformed trees and their fruits will also have a certain similarity with the donor of the genetic material. Changes in the genome of the plant thus is less than 0.003%, m. E. Less than the differences between the conventional varieties of apples. Work on such use of human DNA has successfully been completed, but so far there are only computer reconstruction of the form of mature trees and their fruit. " Currently hundreds of experimental seedlings with genetic material commands "Bioabsence", integrated into their DNA, only have a height of 3 to 5 inches. The first fruits of the harvest, with a portrait likeness with donors, is expected within 5 years. "We have already received hundreds of pre-orders for these trees, - said company spokeswoman Laudmaut Cryer (Crier Loudmouth). - The cost of commercialized products is still too early to say, but it will be an order of magnitude higher than those trees, we are ready to make now. "
New implementation
External similarity forms of trees and their fruit with the appearance of a man, which is built into the DNA of genes nuclear plants - not the main implementation team. Further developments are aimed at creating full-fledged animal-plant hybrids. The new plant will differ from the usual ability to move and to have an elementary rational activities. It sounds like science fiction, but it's a thing that has already been done - is in the glass. The core plant is relatively easy to introduce genes encoding actin and myosin - the proteins that support the reduction of muscle cells in animals. To control movement in plant tissue introduced neurons derived from stem cells that gave the chief of the research team Breynless Mad (Mad Brainless). "To live forever in the fruits of his mind every scientist dreams" - he said. New implementation of the first made to the security service. The initial prototypes were taken tropical vines, able to move quickly and have enough strength. In the greenhouse, where they are grown, visitor access is closed. Through the glass it can be seen that vines are rotated in the direction of approaching and have bent hooks. Do these hooks any toxins are unknown, but integrated into the chromosome of vines substances that can paralyze and even kill a man, it is relatively easy. "Growing genetic plant in the British Isles is associated with many difficulties - said the commercial director of" Bioabsence "Feymes Rich (Rich Famous). - But the need for the protection of green spaces is particularly high among manufacturers of high-value agricultural products, which are grown in tropical countries. Preliminary talks have shown their great interest in the results of our development. "