Scary facts about food (10 photos)
I suggest you interesting and informative facts about some foods.
Mosquitoes attracted to the smell of a man who had just ate the banana.
Fruits and vegetables that we eat today contain far fewer nutrients than in the days of our grandparents. The researchers analyzed the composition of the 43 products from our everyday diet and found that the protein content decreased by 6 percent, calcium - 16 percent, iron - by 15 per cent, vitamin B2 - 38 percent.
Today in chicken contains 266 percent more fat and 33 percent less protein than 40 years ago. The problem is in the content and unnatural feeding animals on modern poultry farms.
A kilo of chips is about 200 times more expensive than a kilo of ordinary potatoes.
Smokers people better abstain from eating tomatoes and carrots. The fact that beta-carotene is entering the smoker to tobacco smoke carcinogens reaction itself becomes carcinogen.
Manufacturers often indicate on the packaging of inaccurate data about calories. 269 Product Research has shown that 20 percent of the caloric content has been lowered to 100 or more units. That is, if you try to count calories with each meal eat 100 calories more than you need, you can type in a year about 13 kilograms of excess weight.
Some commonly used food coloring (generally yellow and red) can cause hyperactivity in children. As luck would have it, that children's products are often brightly colored.
To get rid of calories obtained after eating at McDonald's serving fries, hamburger and a large Coke you have to walk seven hours straight.
As coating the inside of almost all cans and plastic bottles for beverages and foods used resins containing bisphenol A, which can cause problems with the reproductive functions and overweight.
Today we drink twice as many calories than 30 years ago. And the problem is not so much alcohol as in soft drinks and consumed large quantities of coffee and tea with sugar.
Source: www.liveinternet.ru

Mosquitoes attracted to the smell of a man who had just ate the banana.

Fruits and vegetables that we eat today contain far fewer nutrients than in the days of our grandparents. The researchers analyzed the composition of the 43 products from our everyday diet and found that the protein content decreased by 6 percent, calcium - 16 percent, iron - by 15 per cent, vitamin B2 - 38 percent.

Today in chicken contains 266 percent more fat and 33 percent less protein than 40 years ago. The problem is in the content and unnatural feeding animals on modern poultry farms.

A kilo of chips is about 200 times more expensive than a kilo of ordinary potatoes.

Smokers people better abstain from eating tomatoes and carrots. The fact that beta-carotene is entering the smoker to tobacco smoke carcinogens reaction itself becomes carcinogen.

Manufacturers often indicate on the packaging of inaccurate data about calories. 269 Product Research has shown that 20 percent of the caloric content has been lowered to 100 or more units. That is, if you try to count calories with each meal eat 100 calories more than you need, you can type in a year about 13 kilograms of excess weight.

Some commonly used food coloring (generally yellow and red) can cause hyperactivity in children. As luck would have it, that children's products are often brightly colored.

To get rid of calories obtained after eating at McDonald's serving fries, hamburger and a large Coke you have to walk seven hours straight.

As coating the inside of almost all cans and plastic bottles for beverages and foods used resins containing bisphenol A, which can cause problems with the reproductive functions and overweight.

Today we drink twice as many calories than 30 years ago. And the problem is not so much alcohol as in soft drinks and consumed large quantities of coffee and tea with sugar.

Source: www.liveinternet.ru