Baobab - wood

Almost every one of us can remember, he was drinking in some unusual place (well, or can not remember - despite how much has been consumed). But surely you've never sit over a beer in the hollow of a baobab tree! Meanwhile, South Africa has a huge baobab tree, in the hollow of which can be arranged not that friendly gatherings, and the whole populous vecherinku.

Baobab - all trees. Africans use its wood as fuel and building material, its fruits eat bark rope making, ash is converted into medicine against colds and fevers, soap and even oil from pollen baobab boiled glue ... A baobab tree trunks, it turns out, you can go clubbing. Of course, it needs to wait for 5,000 years, until in your garden will not grow really big baobab.

For example, such a vymahal on Sanland Farm in Limpopo Province, South Africa. His girth is between 33 to 47 meters (depending on where the count) - turns twenty adult men, outstretched hands, barely able to embrace it! A huge tree became really famous all over the world - including due to the fact that it formed a natural hollow ... about the size of a pab.

The owners of the baobab, the Boer family van Hierden, arranged in the hollow of a pub in 1933. Under the 4-meter wooden ceiling, completely surrounded by the natural interior, and still can be wet throat (by the way, as the cup in Africa often use shell dried baobab fruit), and you can even arrange a noisy party. I wonder what it is - the club life in the baobab?