How to become a mummy
If you suddenly enlightened and decided to effectively leave this mortal coil, then pay attention to the ancient technique samomufikatsii that used in Japan last thousand years. After going through some physical discomfort, the reward would be roughly the appearance:
But first things first. First of all, it is desirable to join the Buddhists and become a monk. So it will be easier to endure physical discomfort that will increase the chances of achieving the desired end result. After all, turn your body into incorruptible relics is very time-consuming process, requiring complete Buddhist brain.
When you feel ready to samomufikatsii, sit on a rigid diet. Exclude from the diet of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. For the next 1,000 days you are allowed to eat the seeds and nuts, and drink only spring water. If you work in an office or doing some more intellectual work, you should immediately leave and go to work on the construction site. It is desirable as a laborer, and preferably in two shifts. Physical activity by eating nuts and seeds helps burn body fat. For a thousand days of ascetic lifestyle your body becomes slender as a cypress. Do not be alarmed if you suddenly while driving, you will hear the creaking. This is a sure sign that everything is going as it should.
The next step samomufitsirovaniya also continues to 1000 days. Task is complicated by the fact that instead of nuts and seeds, will now have to eat tree bark and roots, as well as drinking special tea urushi, which includes the ingredients for the production of varnish. Get ready for that at this stage you will have much to vomit. The body begins to lose excess moisture and gradually filled with toxins, which beat off hunting worms feast on your body. By the end of this phase, you can afford to relax and stop being active in physical labor. Podyschu cozy cave outside the city with a minimum of moisture in the air and ask Buddhist brothers in the faith sealed themselves, leaving for incommunicado tube (air supply) and a rope with a bell that occasionally the agreed time to notify them that you are still alive.
Once your calls will stop, caring monks will finally seal the cave and open it only after 1000 days. If you did everything correctly, the mummification should in theory be possible. At least, that shows about 20 mummies from the Japanese prefecture of Yamagata. The founder is considered to be the ancient method samomufikatsii mysterious Kukkay monk who lived a thousand years ago.
Despite the rather simple and concrete plan, most of the monks who wanted to become mummies, broke even in the first stage of eating seeds and nuts. Spiritual enlightenment is suddenly replaced by enlightenment in secular life. There were once hundreds of meanings, not to turn into a mummy. And today we add more to the law banning samomufikatsii. So it may be worth thinking about other unusual ways of enlightenment? Recently gaining popularity samozombifikatsii the way, but that the next time ...

But first things first. First of all, it is desirable to join the Buddhists and become a monk. So it will be easier to endure physical discomfort that will increase the chances of achieving the desired end result. After all, turn your body into incorruptible relics is very time-consuming process, requiring complete Buddhist brain.
When you feel ready to samomufikatsii, sit on a rigid diet. Exclude from the diet of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. For the next 1,000 days you are allowed to eat the seeds and nuts, and drink only spring water. If you work in an office or doing some more intellectual work, you should immediately leave and go to work on the construction site. It is desirable as a laborer, and preferably in two shifts. Physical activity by eating nuts and seeds helps burn body fat. For a thousand days of ascetic lifestyle your body becomes slender as a cypress. Do not be alarmed if you suddenly while driving, you will hear the creaking. This is a sure sign that everything is going as it should.
The next step samomufitsirovaniya also continues to 1000 days. Task is complicated by the fact that instead of nuts and seeds, will now have to eat tree bark and roots, as well as drinking special tea urushi, which includes the ingredients for the production of varnish. Get ready for that at this stage you will have much to vomit. The body begins to lose excess moisture and gradually filled with toxins, which beat off hunting worms feast on your body. By the end of this phase, you can afford to relax and stop being active in physical labor. Podyschu cozy cave outside the city with a minimum of moisture in the air and ask Buddhist brothers in the faith sealed themselves, leaving for incommunicado tube (air supply) and a rope with a bell that occasionally the agreed time to notify them that you are still alive.
Once your calls will stop, caring monks will finally seal the cave and open it only after 1000 days. If you did everything correctly, the mummification should in theory be possible. At least, that shows about 20 mummies from the Japanese prefecture of Yamagata. The founder is considered to be the ancient method samomufikatsii mysterious Kukkay monk who lived a thousand years ago.
Despite the rather simple and concrete plan, most of the monks who wanted to become mummies, broke even in the first stage of eating seeds and nuts. Spiritual enlightenment is suddenly replaced by enlightenment in secular life. There were once hundreds of meanings, not to turn into a mummy. And today we add more to the law banning samomufikatsii. So it may be worth thinking about other unusual ways of enlightenment? Recently gaining popularity samozombifikatsii the way, but that the next time ...