Facts about Belgium

1. The Belgians - not patriots, many do not know the anthem of Belgium and Belgians do not like from the neighboring areas. Although in our eyes they are all the same, do the Belgians can easily understand from what area a person he speaks and habits. Residents of any of the regions of Belgium say the inhabitants of other regions of the little obtuse, unites them all common love of banter over the Dutch.
2. Beer in Belgium - this is the national religion. Beer drinking is not just for breakfast, but from 10 o'clock in the morning drinking constantly. If you drink, it's just beer. Anything that does not Belgian beer, the urine, especially the Dutch. The worst beer Heineken. Most uvazhaemoё Duvel. The coolest guys just drink it.
3. The beer comes in two sizes - small 0, 25, and greater than 0, 33 pint you almost never find, not to mention our national baklashkah. With three "big" Belgian beers not bad drunk.
4. Girls drink beer no less than boys. And it's not moveton.
5. The main national dish - it fries or French Fries. Here it is called, or belgian Fries, or just frying. Eat it with mayonnaise and everywhere in packages similar to the package, of which before we ate seeds. Any Belgian will tell you that the Americans first tried fries when we were in Belgium at the end of the Second World War and french fries, she called from the verb to french - cut, and has nothing to do with France.
6. Sterility in Belgium - a dubious notion - any food you will be served on a plate, or put your hands. If you order, for example, shawarma, meat you are putting it in his hands, the same hands then take the money.
7. things are taken very lightly. Can easily throw a jacket on the ground or walking in tattered and dirty.
8. The concept of style and fashion is very different from ours. Girls do not wear heels and cut-outs, walk in torn tights and combine these colors, which gives the impression that they were on LSD.
9. Very strong feminism in society. The girls are absolutely equal with the guys, from which they suffer, guys do not know how to approach girls, causing a lot of porn watching.
10. If you have a girlfriend, so you're cool. Because the woman - it is a guarantee that you have sex and considered it about the same. Sometimes it seems that relations in Belgium - it is simply a partnership for sex and everything, but of course there are exceptions.
11. Belgian very scary. And those who did not seem very scary, trying to sound scary and dress worse. If you're on the street I met a beautiful girl, she was a Turk, or ours.
12. The concept here is not a gentleman. Skip forward a Woman, open the door or help bear the weight - it is something impossible. There is a company of the girls and guys and girls carry a crate of beer - is the norm.
13. Bike - this is a normal means of transportation. Here they go all the grandparents of 80, and children from 2 years. All the big centers and stations have parking for bikes, there are thousands of them. If you rent an apartment, it is bound to be written, whether there is a bicycle parking at the house.
14. Belgians - a very sporty nation. Popular for jogging, cycling and hockey, if you say "hockey", then everyone thinks it is a summer sport on the grass.
15. Speaking of grass: the picture when sitting youth in the city center on the waterfront and smokes a circle can not - absolutely normal. While soft drugs are prohibited.
16. Belgians get up very early. On weekends at 8 am and foremost to the bakery for fresh bread - a normal story.
17. The Belgians are very narrow minded, if there is a law or tradition, they will follow it - no matter how stupid it is. Creative and innovative thinking - a rarity.
18. In general, the Belgians are very polite and friendly, but sometimes explicitly too. For example, you never directly send and say something like: "I'm not in any way do not want to offend you or hurt your feelings, but I think you would be better to fuck, of course, unless you want to, you can do not go. But I think you will be comfortable there. "
19. Belgians usually marry later, age 30, before they were for the most part, young people see themselves and live quite nonchalantly.
20. It is very fond of traveling. In a particularly favor them Asia.
21. Awareness of Russia is good, but the image of our country, of course ridiculous. I was extremely surprised when I said I was from Russia, the first reaction was - great, I want to drive for a long time on the Trans-Siberian Railway, and only then vodka, Putin communism.
22. In general, the Russian attitude to the most negative - if a man, the bandit if the girl is of easy virtue. And to break this stereotype in their minds is extremely difficult.
23. In Belgium, a lot of Turks and Arabs. These attitudes really cool, but if you ask the Belgians as they refer to them, you will hear the learned tirade about how they are happy and do not see the difference. But if you approach it with the same issues in a drunken Belgians, the answer would be entirely different.
24. In Belgium, a lot of lesbians and gays. And in that order. I attribute this to not the most courageous men, but perhaps the reason is different.
25. By the way, the Prime Minister of Belgium - is also gay.
26. Belgium is divided into two parts: the Dutch-speaking Flanders and French-speaking Wallonia. Flemings scorn the valontsam and find them someone like servants.
27. Most Flemings speak English, Dutch and French. Valontsy speak only French, and then, according to the Flemish bad.
28. All the Belgians will tell you that they speak Flemish, not Dutch. In fact - this is one and the same language.
29. The most arrogant snobs believe the residents of Antwerp.
30. No one has ever zashtorivaet windows, even on the first floor you always see what's going on in someone else's apartment.
31. At home no one takes off his shoes, even shoes. They will sit, sweat, but do not remove.
32. Belgians eat a hot meal once a day. Typically, lunch or dinner - it's just a sandwich.
33. Belgium, as well as France, the only country in the world that do not use the qwerty-keyboard in place, they are printed on azerty-layout, I must say, it is extremely inconvenient and illogical thing.
33. Very loudly blow their noses and in any environment. Sometimes one gets the feeling that your side of the howitzer shell exploded, but no, it blew her nose petite girl.
34. With a sense of humor here is heavy, the concept of sarcasm, not as a class. Therefore, if a person is joking, he adds the following phrase of humor - it was a joke, or really many may not understand.
35. The boundaries of propriety are low enough. It's very simple undress, and everything, absolutely everything, saunas, spas and pools for relaxation - related - and forbidden to go into them in bathing suits and cover.
36. Planck permissible and in humor, by our standards, the Belgians low. In a fairly formal setting, you can easily hear the selective vulgarity and dill.
37. The Belgians are very hardy. Girl in a negative one in the ballet flats on the bare foot and guy in shorts - it's an everyday phenomenon.
38. The Belgians everything according to plan. Each person has a diary, and all meetings are discussed in about two weeks. It just drop drunk in the morning to another is unlikely to succeed.
39. In Belgium, strong unions, so very frequent strikes. Over the past two months, three times did not work public transport, schools and other public institutions. The reasons for the strike, by our standards, ridiculous.
40. Belgians - very honest people - and everything here is based on the word of honor, receipts, checks, etc. here no one gives.
41. Belgians love a consensus, because they are afraid to offend anyone. When they say that it is impossible to please everyone, they do not understand and most likely will be, in their opinion, a fair decision. Which one really will not hold.
42. All the shops are open until 05.06, after this time you can shoot. If you buy the furniture, the service only works from 9 to 5 and only on weekdays. It is unfair that someone would work late, and some do not.
43. In Belgium, very high taxes, about 45%, the government has repeatedly tried to reduce them, but the majority of the population is against it, as the majority population in Belgium is not working, and living on welfare.