Tiny puppy weighing a few hundred grams
Look at the miracle of a tiny puppy weighing a few hundred grams, with an increase of 50 pence coin, which can easily fit in the palm. This adorable dog - a cross between a Chihuahua and Jack Russell - the only one who survived from litter 5 puppies. Her mistress, 10-year-old Caylee Mei Coles, through a syringe-fed special puppy dog milk for nine days after the dog from birth mother refused. Miracle at birth weighed 60 grams and has a length of 5 cm. Kaylee's father-Mei James says that all were very surprised when the dog gave birth in their absence. Unfortunately, when they returned, the four pups have already died, but survived the Miracle and easily passed the veterinary inspection. "We never thought that she would survive, but since the birth, she grew up and got stronger," says James.
1. This tiny puppy weighs less than 400 grams and the size of a coin - probably the smallest puppy in the world
2. Tiny puppy aptly called a miracle, survived one with all the brood.
3. Mistress Marvel Kaylee Mei Coles, via syringe feed your puppy specially prepared milk. The dog quickly grows and strengthens.
4. At birth, Wonder weighed 60 grams and has a length of 5 cm.
5. Joyful Kaylee Mei said that the puppy like all her friends and just love it.
6. The whole family excited about the dog. They confessed to reporters that would not part with the baby for any money.

1. This tiny puppy weighs less than 400 grams and the size of a coin - probably the smallest puppy in the world

2. Tiny puppy aptly called a miracle, survived one with all the brood.

3. Mistress Marvel Kaylee Mei Coles, via syringe feed your puppy specially prepared milk. The dog quickly grows and strengthens.

4. At birth, Wonder weighed 60 grams and has a length of 5 cm.

5. Joyful Kaylee Mei said that the puppy like all her friends and just love it.

6. The whole family excited about the dog. They confessed to reporters that would not part with the baby for any money.