Professor Gary Greenberg
Professor Gary Greenberg (Gary Greenberg) from London has been researching and Macro sand from around the world.
"Taking a walk on the beach, we do not even think, for some treasures go," - he said his shots.
The picture is taken with the help of 3D-microscope with a 250-fold increase. According to the professor, the usual picture with ultrazoom does not give such results. He makes dozens of shots with different focal lengths, and then processes them on the computer.
"Taking a walk on the beach, we do not even think, for some treasures go," - he said his shots.
The picture is taken with the help of 3D-microscope with a 250-fold increase. According to the professor, the usual picture with ultrazoom does not give such results. He makes dozens of shots with different focal lengths, and then processes them on the computer.