Jill Greenberg
A native of Canada, 44-year-old photographer Jill Greenberg gained fame not only interesting and sometimes shocking photos of celebrities, children and animals, but also the technique of image processing. It seems to be an ordinary computer processing of digital photos, but what effect!
By the way, she has her own way of working with models that can be called controversial. Thus, creating the famous series of "Crying children," Jill achieve the desired emotion from the child, first giving candy, and then selecting it.
Nepedagogichno cruelly? Yes, but how significantly ...
His justification for it expressed in intevyu newspaper Los Anzhedles Times:
When viewing these photos in the viewer awakens instinct, desire to protect the child ... But in general, take a piece of candy - is not a crime. Celebrity is much easier, but also for them Greenberg finds its own angle, often discovering the unknown.
Interesting and animal pictures. Nobody recalls?
Jill's last work was a series of photographs entitled «Glass Ceiling» - «glass ceiling." At its creation the artist has prompted official photo shoot of the American team in synchronized swimming. His photos of the author expresses the idea of a modern woman is forced to constantly fight for a breath of air in the world.

By the way, she has her own way of working with models that can be called controversial. Thus, creating the famous series of "Crying children," Jill achieve the desired emotion from the child, first giving candy, and then selecting it.

Nepedagogichno cruelly? Yes, but how significantly ...

His justification for it expressed in intevyu newspaper Los Anzhedles Times:
When viewing these photos in the viewer awakens instinct, desire to protect the child ... But in general, take a piece of candy - is not a crime. Celebrity is much easier, but also for them Greenberg finds its own angle, often discovering the unknown.

Interesting and animal pictures. Nobody recalls?

Jill's last work was a series of photographs entitled «Glass Ceiling» - «glass ceiling." At its creation the artist has prompted official photo shoot of the American team in synchronized swimming. His photos of the author expresses the idea of a modern woman is forced to constantly fight for a breath of air in the world.