45 kilograms of heroin in the Party of Iranian carpets.
Employees of the German customs officials discovered 45 kilograms of heroin in the Party of Iranian carpets. The find led to the arrest of several suspects in Poland, in France and in Belgium.
As stated by the authorities, nine of carpets, sent from Iran, vshili powder which was packaged in a tube, is passed among the multicolored threads. The attention of customs officers drew too much weight carpet, so they carefully studied and found the contraband.
X-rays have revealed that they had been woven into a high-quality heroin worth several million euros.

As stated by the authorities, nine of carpets, sent from Iran, vshili powder which was packaged in a tube, is passed among the multicolored threads. The attention of customs officers drew too much weight carpet, so they carefully studied and found the contraband.

X-rays have revealed that they had been woven into a high-quality heroin worth several million euros.

Items on the dog's head
Terrible rebuilt, and the city - the hero of Volgograd is in the same pore, after the war