Bethesda has announced the imminent release of the beta version of the new part of Doom

The other day was interesting for gamers Information: Bethesda has announced the release date «Wolfenstein: The New Order», and also reported that those gamers who pre-order for this game, access (code) and the beta of the new Doom . Beta testing will be announced later, when it was - is unclear.
Only recently Habré wrote that Doom celebrated as much as 20 years , and here this news. By the way, the developers prefer to call it a new Doom "next part of Doom», rather than «Doom 4».
Release Date «Wolfenstein: The New Order», incidentally, announced on 23rd May. But the release date of the beta version of Doom has not yet been announced. The developers have promised to make the announcement later on, but when exactly is not clear. And the only way to get access to the beta version of Doom - this pre-order «Wolfenstein: The New Order», developers emphasize that there is no other way.
That message from the developer: