Ksenia Sobchak napechёt "bagel"

Ksenia Sobchak in partnership with the owners of Ginza Project Dmitry Sergeyev and Vadim Lapininym create a network of democratic sandwich cafe called "Bagel." Each of the three participating companies chipped in 17 million rubles, and have equal shares. The first restaurant opened last week at the Tverskoy Boulevard, d. 24. As told the newspaper "Kommersant" Sobchak, it will be democratic network with a focus on sandwiches with an average check of 700 rubles. Restaurants in this niche with little affected by the crisis: their revenues declined, according to expert estimates, an average of 15%, while expensive places have lost 40%. According to estimates Sobchak, the institution should become profitable within three months. "In this case, we do not exclude the possibility of creating within three years a whole network of cafes" bagel "of the 50 institutions," - adds Dmitry Sergeyev.