Vodka is not strong enough

Surov Scots traditional spirits seem weak, and because they tirelessly strive to make them stronger. Recently, we talked about beer with a share of 55% alcohol. Now distillery Pincerpredstavila most "zaboristye" vodka in the world. Fortress Pincer Shanghai Strength is 88, 8 °. And the people of Scotland do not intend to use a drink. It is intended for export to the Chinese market, which explains the references to the city of Shanghai in its name. The fortress also has a symbolic meaning in Chinese numerology Eight is considered a lucky number. The cost of a bottle of vodka yadrena is £ 85. Although we could for harmony raise the price of three pounds. Scottish champions winemakers are not just vodka and beer. The northern part of the United Kingdom is home to the yadrena gin, Blackwood Vintage Dry Gin 60, strength of 60 °, and very strong whiskey Bruichladdich X4, with the share of alcohol 91, 2%.