Perfectly organized by Porsche Design portfolio

famous design studio Porsche Design introduced another product under its own label: case Porsche Design P2150 2.2 Lean BriefBag. Initially, the portfolio has been coined for the business consultants of the studio, but now it is made available to everyone else. Of course, if wishing to join the corporate culture of Porsche is ready to shell out $ 570. The main idea of the case - no useless space. The designers have thought through all the branches and pockets of the portfolio, to make maximum use of all available space. In fact, why pull air? For each required business person things - from car keys and pens to notebooks and folders with papers - A special place. But nothing too much is not worth taking. "Down with pointless department!" - The designers decided to Porsche Design and removed everything they did not seem necessary. Such an approach will appeal to both organized and disorganized people. The first will have the liking that everything is clear in their places, and the second will get rid of the age-old question of the creative mind "what else take it?" At first, the concept of portfolio obkatali on their own business consultants Porsche Design, and after testing on human beings, it was decided to put P2150 in series.