"The theft of the century": the most expensive Rolls-Royce sold for $ 850,000

selling "Star of India", the only one of its kind Rolls-Royce Phantom II 40/50 HP Continental 1934, made by special order Tacora Sahib Bahadur, Maharaja of Rajkot, promised to be a "deal Age "in the automotive market of antiques. German vintage car collector put on JamesList with a price tag of £ 8 million. This Rolls-Royce was to become the most expensive car in the world. But the application is turned loud zilch: private cars Indian maharaja change of ownership for a modest $ 850 000. Now the deal was referred to as "theft of the century". The buyer was Mandatasin jadeite, the grandson of the Maharajah, the original owner of Rolls-Royce. He said he was going to return the car at home as a present on the 75th anniversary of his father. Then the car will be a historical exhibit in a private museum.

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