Diesel exiled to the island of idiots

Advertising denim brand Diesel, as always, at height - a bold, defiant, fresh. Rare fashion brand decided to open provocation, the better to see something similar. Last year, called Diesel to become dull («Smart has the plans, stupid has the stories» - campaigned advertising posters), at the same time they were exiled to the island of fools. The slogan of the new campaign was the slogan «Diesel Island: Land of the Stupid, home of the Brave» - «Island Diesel: Land fools, home brave." This is a parody of a line from the American national anthem «Land of the free and the home of the brave» - «Land of the free and the home of bold." "We, Diesel, there are stupid dream. Why do not we build a nation from scratch? Take all the good from countries known to us and throw out all the bad things. Rewrite laws. Correct social inequality. The country is only for the brave. Welcome to the island of Diesel! Land for fools and the house for the brave. " Obviously, this game will have the meanings do not like the American patriots, whose idiocy surpasses all reasonable limits. Although the inhabitants of the United States, maintain a sense of humor, will be delighted by the progress of advertising Diesel.

http://www.youtube.com/embed/K2OVNRSq8zI video>