Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have created handcuffs for lovers

Marketing fever, devoted to the Day of St. Valentine is in full swing. Occasion lovers all businesses - from hotels to florists - try to invent something unusual. One of the most famous Hollywood couple Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher by 14 February cooked ... handcuffs jewelry with diamonds. Use it for love games will not work: it is not true bracelet, but only a small pendant in the form of handcuffs. Actor pair worked together on the decoration of a master goldsmith Jack Vartanian. Another famous Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, have long and successfully engaged in jewelry business. In his creation Moore and Kutcher put a hidden meaning. According to their thinking, the necklace should be provocative not only an ornament, but also to attract people to the problem of child sexual exploitation. Apparently, hidden washed away have been interpreted around the future owner to decorate. Very romantic gift out. Handcuffs cost ranges from $ 710 to $ 2140 depending on the materials. Half the proceeds from sales of jewelery with citizenship will go to the charity fund Demi and Ashton (DNA).