Jackie Chan will introduce Chinese with Embraer

Brazilian company Embraer Aircraft Manufacturing has its eye on China. To gain the confidence of the Chinese rich, aviapromyshlenniki enlisted the help of Jackie Chan. One stroke two birds, as an actor like around the world, not just in China. Guide Embraer hopes that the charm and popularity of Jackie Chan will help to better sell airplanes. "I believe that Embraer will be a major player in the executive aircraft in China" - paints rosy prospects newly-born envoy brand.

Together with Chan was created an exclusive series of private jets. Cast Legacy 650 has got a red-yellow livery, the traditional colors of China, and a large inscription Jackie on the keel. On the other difference between this aircraft is not reported. Embraer Legacy 650 has a flight range of 3,900 nautical miles (7223 km). That is, it will fly non-stop from his native city of Jackie Chan, Hong Kong and Moscow. The cost of the jet is about $ 30 million.

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