Maltese Falcon by Perini Navi

To date, 289-foot (88 m) sailing handsome Maltese Falcon is the main achievement of the shipyard Perini Navi. Over the past six years, the Italians constructed many beautiful ships, but none of them could compare with the "Falcon". In the near future, the stocks will come down once a huge shipyard sailboat, but it does not compare with the flagship of Perini Navi. According Superyacht Times, on PN started work on 226-foot yacht for an unnamed customer. The project, code-named C2227 will become the second longest boat Perini Navi and will enter the top ten sailboats. Earlier, the second line of the achievements of the shipyard took Felicita West, built in 2003. To work on a project C2227 arraigned celebrated yacht Designer Philippe Briand. Promises, as usual, generous "new standards of design, technology and quality", "innovation, elegance and comfort at the highest possible level", etc. Knowing the reputation of creators, you can be sure that this is not just a buzzword. Sailboat is scheduled to be launched in 2015.
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