Jellyfish Lake in Palau (Jellyfish Lake of Palau)

East of the Philippines and just above the equator, is an island nation of Palau dwarf surrounded by the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. The entire territory of that State is on hundreds of islands bizarre. These islands and ocean beaches attract thousands of tourists.

Another Palau is famous for its marine lakes. These lakes were formed as a result of tectonic and volcanic activity and are enclosed spaces seawater.

Salty water in the lakes during the tides of its level in the lakes is changing, due to the minimal water exchange through the porous limestone.
But of all these lakes is one the most famous and is regularly visited by tourists from around the world. This lake is home to one of the isolated several thousand years ago the population of jellyfish Mastigias (Mastigias papua). Muduzy survived and were able to adapt filled the whole lake. Them so much that not even be believed, scientists have counted 15 million individuals. When you wear a mask, snorkel and sail to the coast, it turns into a living soup of jellyfish.