Powerful video the importance of sleep
Why is it better to go to bed at this time? There is one important law. From about 21 to 1 am resting nervous system that is both scientific fact. Every hour of sleep this is counted as two. If a person at this time does not rest, his nervous system is depleted and this leads to various diseases.
Particularly serious consequences may be for those who work in night shifts. As the current research, such people in 2-3 years the nervous system can be completely shattered. All nature is resting at night. Man is also a part of nature, so at night you should sleep. If you need to work at night and you have a choice, at least try to sleep until 2 am, and only then start to work.
Healthy person to sleep is enough for about seven o'clock. Depending on various conditions: constitution, age and so on. E. The time may vary slightly. If you need more time to sleep, then you are not harmonious.
Wake up in the morning is better with sunrise. Sleep after 6-7 am is not any good. Sleep after 8 am bad, we go from a subtle energy, the nervous system is destroyed. Early to bed, the health, wealth, and the mind is making - this works very ancient saying. A study was conducted, and it showed that the majority of successful people rises around 5 am.
Now it is very fashionable theory of the lark and owls. But the owl appeared not long ago, when there was electricity - the artificial sun. But as a man is not justified that he owl vigil destroys all.
All living beings live on a certain cyclical rhythms, all equally changing hormone levels in the blood, physiological changes, and even the type of behavior. In the morning peak level of immune cells (T-helper), 2 nights in the highest level of growth hormone in the afternoon maximum level of hemoglobin. 16-00 maximum body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure at 18-00 maximum urine flow, at 21-00 just below the threshold of pain, etc.
What we do for 1-2 hours before bedtime, is part of the subconscious. At this time, you must turn off the TV with love, not counting money. At this time, you can just walk in the fresh air, read something soothing, easy to listen to pleasant music.
Scientists have found that sleep is healing and rejuvenating. Unfortunately, many people are trying to sleep just at tear extra hours of entertainment, complete their secondary cases, whether work or something else. But lack of sleep the body always responds in unpredictable ways.
What is the lack of sleep? You have enough sleep - so your body does not have time to deal with minor violations and deviations, accumulated during the day. Accordingly, the coming day will require overvoltage protective forces, which leaves a reserve of energy waste, thereby reducing life. In addition, it will have an impact on mental abilities, and appearance, and overall health.
With lack of sleep for a long time, and fade hair thinning, his eyes lose clarity and gloss. Turn gray complexion and general appearance are chronically tired. May begin to break nails, and may appear rash or pimples on the body. With lack of sleep the body ages faster.
As a result of lack of sleep, a person becomes more irritable, more aggressive and wound up. Lack of sleep always leads to speed the development of poorly reversible chain of negative consequences. This kind of infernal circle, once in which it is very difficult to break.
Sleep is still insufficiently studied and mysterious phenomenon. We sleep because they are tired. Because daily activities jaded body poisonous negative neuropeptides as waste slag. They become too noticeable, and that's what brings you a sense of fatigue. At the same time, a critical mass of toxic peptides itself gives the signal to the brain that it's time to stop their flow and revise existing ones. To do this, the brain tends to turn off the mind, blocking analytical mental activity.
Scientists have proven that when a person sleeps, he just seems that it has not. The brain, in fact, not only retains its activity, but also enhances it. Strange, is not it? What does the brain during sleep? He is engaged in repairing damage the body.
So you should sleep more! And this need for women is significantly higher than for men. Women who sleep longer look younger than those who work like a horse, and sleep mode cock, afraid to wake the dawn. Sleep as much as you want, as required by the body.
However, some people claim that on weekends, when there is an opportunity to sleep, and slept in plenty, they feel much worse than on ordinary days. Yes, this effect does exist. But this is a signal indicating that the body neutralized only some superficial layers of negative phenomena. But the habit of waking up as usual did not give the body time samoozdorovitsya and consciousness began to act, not obeying the commands of the subconscious. This is due to the fact that overloading the nervous system causing permanent muscle tone that causes the body to be ready for action.
Particularly serious consequences may be for those who work in night shifts. As the current research, such people in 2-3 years the nervous system can be completely shattered. All nature is resting at night. Man is also a part of nature, so at night you should sleep. If you need to work at night and you have a choice, at least try to sleep until 2 am, and only then start to work.
Healthy person to sleep is enough for about seven o'clock. Depending on various conditions: constitution, age and so on. E. The time may vary slightly. If you need more time to sleep, then you are not harmonious.
Wake up in the morning is better with sunrise. Sleep after 6-7 am is not any good. Sleep after 8 am bad, we go from a subtle energy, the nervous system is destroyed. Early to bed, the health, wealth, and the mind is making - this works very ancient saying. A study was conducted, and it showed that the majority of successful people rises around 5 am.
Now it is very fashionable theory of the lark and owls. But the owl appeared not long ago, when there was electricity - the artificial sun. But as a man is not justified that he owl vigil destroys all.
All living beings live on a certain cyclical rhythms, all equally changing hormone levels in the blood, physiological changes, and even the type of behavior. In the morning peak level of immune cells (T-helper), 2 nights in the highest level of growth hormone in the afternoon maximum level of hemoglobin. 16-00 maximum body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure at 18-00 maximum urine flow, at 21-00 just below the threshold of pain, etc.
What we do for 1-2 hours before bedtime, is part of the subconscious. At this time, you must turn off the TV with love, not counting money. At this time, you can just walk in the fresh air, read something soothing, easy to listen to pleasant music.
Scientists have found that sleep is healing and rejuvenating. Unfortunately, many people are trying to sleep just at tear extra hours of entertainment, complete their secondary cases, whether work or something else. But lack of sleep the body always responds in unpredictable ways.
What is the lack of sleep? You have enough sleep - so your body does not have time to deal with minor violations and deviations, accumulated during the day. Accordingly, the coming day will require overvoltage protective forces, which leaves a reserve of energy waste, thereby reducing life. In addition, it will have an impact on mental abilities, and appearance, and overall health.
With lack of sleep for a long time, and fade hair thinning, his eyes lose clarity and gloss. Turn gray complexion and general appearance are chronically tired. May begin to break nails, and may appear rash or pimples on the body. With lack of sleep the body ages faster.
As a result of lack of sleep, a person becomes more irritable, more aggressive and wound up. Lack of sleep always leads to speed the development of poorly reversible chain of negative consequences. This kind of infernal circle, once in which it is very difficult to break.
Sleep is still insufficiently studied and mysterious phenomenon. We sleep because they are tired. Because daily activities jaded body poisonous negative neuropeptides as waste slag. They become too noticeable, and that's what brings you a sense of fatigue. At the same time, a critical mass of toxic peptides itself gives the signal to the brain that it's time to stop their flow and revise existing ones. To do this, the brain tends to turn off the mind, blocking analytical mental activity.
Scientists have proven that when a person sleeps, he just seems that it has not. The brain, in fact, not only retains its activity, but also enhances it. Strange, is not it? What does the brain during sleep? He is engaged in repairing damage the body.
So you should sleep more! And this need for women is significantly higher than for men. Women who sleep longer look younger than those who work like a horse, and sleep mode cock, afraid to wake the dawn. Sleep as much as you want, as required by the body.
However, some people claim that on weekends, when there is an opportunity to sleep, and slept in plenty, they feel much worse than on ordinary days. Yes, this effect does exist. But this is a signal indicating that the body neutralized only some superficial layers of negative phenomena. But the habit of waking up as usual did not give the body time samoozdorovitsya and consciousness began to act, not obeying the commands of the subconscious. This is due to the fact that overloading the nervous system causing permanent muscle tone that causes the body to be ready for action.