Hotel Jumeirah at Etihad Towers in Abu Dhabi is preparing for a meeting with gourmets

Multiple winner of various awards culinary chef Quest Hotel Jumeirah at Etihad Towers Watt Benjamin (Benjamin Whatt) has developed a special menu called "Inspirational Asian Fine Dining" for lovers of Asian cuisine. The menu includes classic Asian dishes with a modern twist and are characterized by originality and rich taste. As the creator of a new direction in gastronomy, "an unusual supply and design create the atmosphere for the visitor, as if he had been on a long-awaited premiere of the movie or opera, climbed to the top of inaccessible or soar into the clouds.

Perhaps it is strange to hear, but my food really carry the full range of tastes and moods - there is drama, intrigue, and even comedy. Try to enjoy and see the world through the eyes of a child - perhaps I can help you with this. "The preparation of each dish bears some feature, such as the famous rolls" California Maki "are presented in the form of a thin wafer-like map, on which a roll image.

This first card can not even seem edible, but just try it on taste and you think that the receptors are deceiving you, because you will feel the true flavor of this popular roll. Another dish "Breakfast at Tiffany's" fully reflects the atmosphere of the movie of the same name 70 and consists of muesli cereal, boiled eggs with ham and fresh croissant, served with hot coffee latte.

Benjamin Watt also took care of the guests and vegetarians, inviting them to the list of dishes that do not include meat ingredients, but not inferior in its gustatory variety of dishes from non-vegetarian dishes. For example, a dish with a simple name "Eggplant" hidden installation zatushennogo campfire on a plate.