10 methods of generating new ideas

1. Brainstorm. The author of this method is Alex Osborn. A group of people actively offers a variety of ideas, the band members are trying to develop them, analyze them immediately, identifying advantages and disadvantages.
2. The method of Edward de Bono's "Six hats". In the course of the creative process by one person wears six hats of different colors. In white it impartially verifies facts and figures in black - trying to find the negative traits in yellow - analyzes the positive points in the green - generates new ideas in the red - may allow an active emotional reaction. And finally, in the blue hat, summed up the work.
3. The "mental map" Tony Buzan developed. In his theory emphasizes that the creative process is closely linked with the memory of man, so it is necessary to develop memory. He offered to write to the center of the sheet key concept, and all the associations that need to remember writing on the branches extending from the main word. Ideas can also draw. Creating such a map helps to invent new association, the image of the card is much better remembered.
4. synectics. Author - William Gordon. In his theory, the main source of new ideas - is the search for analogies. First we need to select an object and draw a table for its analogies. In the first column write lines analogy, in the second - indirect, for example, features of the first column. Then correlate target object and indirect analogies. Example: object - pencil task - diversification. Direct analogy - voluminous pencil, its negation - flat pencil. The result - pencil-tab.
5. The method of focal objects from Charles Witting. This method combines features of different objects in a single object. Example: candle and the concept of "New Year". New Year means holiday sparkle sparklers, the spark is also true. If Bengali candle pulverize and add it to the wax, it will be released "Christmas" candle with sparkling crumbs inside.
6. Morphological analysis suggested Fritz Zwicky, is that the object is analyzed to scatter components which are selected from the most significant characteristic. Then they change and are trying to get together again. The result is a new object.
7. Indirect strategy. This method invented by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt. For this method need a deck of cards with the commands, such as "give vent anger", "steal the solution" and others. The man pulls out a card and follow the instructions.
8. The method of "Bus, bed, bath." It is based on the belief that the new idea not only lurk in the depths of our subconscious, but also torn out, they must be easy to release, that is not to interfere with their appearance. The new idea may come to a head in the most unusual place.
9. Breakdown. To do this, you must take an incomprehensible inscription in a foreign language, such as Chinese characters. In humans, solve the inscription, at this moment can be born in mind a variety of associations.
10. Traps for ideas. In this method, you must capture absolutely all the ideas you can record them on tape or in a notebook. And then when it returns to them.
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