Chanel boots transformers
While bottle bag Chanel №5 sparkles in the lenses of the best street photographers, secular fashionista already have chosen a new must-have - grungy boots, stockings with massive metal chains loved everyone without exception: model and singer, actress, and it-girls from Los Angeles to Moscow.
Showing Chanel, Fall / Winter 2013
Fashionistas unanimously decided that the boots so versatile that look great as an elegant tweed dresses in the style of the show Chanel autumn / winter 2013, and the clothes in the style of casual. Truly flawless shoes does not spoil.
Black or white?
Jada Pinkett Smith
June Ambrose
Rita Ora
Cult model of Lagerfeld has one trick - with the help of simple manipulations stockings above the knee length converted into stylish shoes that most girls prefer to wear a bare leg.
Helena Bordon, Anna Dello Russo, Izabel Goulart
Elena Perminov
Chiara Ferrand
Trendy boots from Chanel, despite its rather big cost - about $ 5,000 for a couple - became the basis of many images fashionista.
Under incredible pressure gave up and fashionable dark-skinned beauty vociferous Beyonce, adding to its image in the new video for the song Flawless boots by Chanel. Rough boots, micro-shorts denim and a massive chain belt - a real grunge.

Showing Chanel, Fall / Winter 2013
Fashionistas unanimously decided that the boots so versatile that look great as an elegant tweed dresses in the style of the show Chanel autumn / winter 2013, and the clothes in the style of casual. Truly flawless shoes does not spoil.
Black or white?
Jada Pinkett Smith

June Ambrose

Rita Ora
Cult model of Lagerfeld has one trick - with the help of simple manipulations stockings above the knee length converted into stylish shoes that most girls prefer to wear a bare leg.

Helena Bordon, Anna Dello Russo, Izabel Goulart

Elena Perminov

Chiara Ferrand
Trendy boots from Chanel, despite its rather big cost - about $ 5,000 for a couple - became the basis of many images fashionista.

Under incredible pressure gave up and fashionable dark-skinned beauty vociferous Beyonce, adding to its image in the new video for the song Flawless boots by Chanel. Rough boots, micro-shorts denim and a massive chain belt - a real grunge.