Rest in peace. Another success in the art of killing

Company «G2 Research» has launched a new type of ammunition, which they called «RIP» («Rest in peace") - and they have the very good reason. A new type of ammunition - expansive (unfolding) bullet RIP, which in contact with the target disclosed as rosette, which increases their killing power.
New cartridges created a furore in the arms market, and gun owners are now doing their utmost to get them yourself. Nine-millimeter bullets can penetrate to a depth of 40 centimeters, affecting the dispersal of fragments - up to 15 centimeters.
Pistol bullets nadpilennye crosswise or drilled, for example - is a terrible thing: breaks in their body, and their parts, in turn, break the body. Crosswise nadpilennoy was the first bullet in the gun shop, seized the Cuban counterintelligence at the saboteur, finished in distant 80th another attempt on Fidel Castro. Well, in general - killers running with a gun, often nadpilivayut bullet: surely so that the meat. Bleed without causing much damage, so the bullet just will not work.
But kustarschina. But look at the picture. This bullet R.I.P. - "Rest in peace" - from the company G2 Research. Hit the target, so the bullet shatters into eight small island independent parts, each of which continues the path inside the target on its own trajectory. In fact, one bullet pierces the body (well, or whatever) as if it was treated with a few giant sewing machines without a thread a few crazy tailors.
To date, the company has released the specifications only to the 9-millimeter cartridges new type and they are as follows:
- Penetration - 40 centimeters
- Dispersion damaging fragments - up to 15 centimeters
- Weight of warhead 9, 6 grams
- Accuracy at a distance of 25 meters - 5 centimeters
- The speed of a bullet - 380 meters per second
- 9 separate wound channels
- Precision manufacturing precision
- Bullets are made entirely of copper
- Pierce all known types of obstacles, including sheet metal
Producers themselves call them "the last bullet that you will ever need," designed "to pull out all the vital organs" and leave the "nine separate wound channels", forcing inwards just explode.
In their marketing materials, the developers, the company G2R, describes his invention as "an ultimatum means of self-defense." Although what they do with their aim seems to be not equal to any attack.
As is the case with expansive bullets, the Hague Convention prohibits the use of such weapons in the war - respectively, the NATO countries do not use bullets of this type. In the US, expansive ammunition is legal - and very popular - among civilians and security forces.