We built and built ...

It was in Moscow for the construction of a 30-storey office building. The project is expected to establish two unique elevator with a speed of 6 m / s. To understand a lot or a little to say that conventional elevators in ordinary houses and ride at a speed of 1m / s. Cost is a huge pleasure to a lot of dough, only one door on the floors were on half pieces evrov. Figley, for the pleasure ride fast and have to pay a lot.
Elevators were placed in pairs in adjacent mines separated for safety concrete wall. Only now that the technology works elevators was unknown designers, or builders that slazhal, but the wall between the mines was deaf, without a single hole. Whoever does not understand why a high-speed elevator shaft hole - read on.
To complete the house top to bottom, it's time to stick lifting equipment. Inserted, hung, screwed meganavorochennoy door stainless steel and titanium, including electricity - like works. Lights buzzing shock, do not beat. Should be tested.
Cab lowered to the ground floor, cross your fingers and pressed 30? .. Have you ever tried to pinch a finger hole in the end of the pump and quickly press the piston? This sound is funny)). That is approximately the same sound and squeezed 20 clever door, worth 1,500 euros each on the upper floors and the lower floors with sound "chpok" remaining 10 doors sucked inside the mine.
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