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Let us each time we see in poor grandmothers shop, pay their baskets: possible for them it is a matter of life and death. Today, the store drew attention to the grandmother - long chose canned cheaper. I noticed that at plus 2 degrees, she was wearing rubber slippers ... He came and stood nearby, helped to deal with the price tags, then led through the store, throwing to cart everything in sight) bought her a basket full of food, and she wailed, "Oh, do not, I will not be allowed to cash, they know that I have no money. " When she realized it was not a joke, that I paid for and that we can take whatever she wanted, she took butter and rice. BUTTER AND RICE !!! Asked what the house is not of the products to understand what has taken, it turned out that the house is nothing. When thrown in the basket a couple of bars of chocolate in his eyes there was such a childish joy at the sister ... 3 years the same eyes when allowed to eat chocolate ... Chocolate grandmother loves, but that's expensive to buy it for 6 years. I did not know what to do is go to the cashier - that refused to take food, he says, "then say that you are my nephew, and that we did not miss at the box office", thanks to cross. If she was so afraid of cash it was very interesting to find that monster that when - that it did not miss at the box office with her - the purchase of 2 canned food and bread. 120 rubles. She did not leave the house for a month. Ate canned food, they ended a few days ago. These shining eyes told me: "You know, my son (and called on you and" son ") whenever I leave the house, asked the Heavenly Father to send me $ 100 for food. I sometimes find money on the road, and you bought me out much. " I go and I am ashamed. He took home raised products. She lives in a home business class - brick towers at the intersection of Lenin and Udaltsov. Surprised. It turned out that the apartment was the result after the demolition five-story building, which stood on this site. She lived with her son. The son died six years ago, there was one. And what is interesting - because a lot of people in the house of wealthy lives, they'll know her son, seeing that my grandmother lived alone for a long time and goes to the fall in slippers that do not eat properly ... Rose products took place in the apartment. On the floor board in the kitchen wrested all appliances (you can see that it is taken out of the kitchen and sides dishes broken). He explains that it is the daughter and sister of the grandmother together immediately after the death of his son made all the furniture, all technique and no longer appear - wait for when my grandmother would not to go flat. You should have seen how she lived, she had on the table ... I understand about why the money from the pension is not enough to eat - komunalke in this house, the concierge (try not to hand over the money) and the other is 2 times higher than in five-storey building and another housing the grandmother there, watching and sharing an apartment is terrible - it will kill the elderly, the deceived, in general there is no chance to change the flat. And it does not matter all that. It is important that this unfortunate basket of products that it will be enough for a month costs 2000 rubles. Freaking 2000 rubles! The 19 storey building driveway two business-class people can not cooperate and did not give her grandmother die of hunger. A grandmother - it is!))) Worked in the Central Research Institute of Astronautics (I think was the name), Researcher, PhD. She sang at the Bolshoi once. I looked at the pictures of distant youth - what was a beautiful woman!) And such an old age ... her sister calls every six months to learn she died or not. And each time when the "relative" to hear that my grandmother is still alive, damn it, and hangs up. She has a grandson, daughter in law, which is also when it is waiting for us to leave. In general, comrades, relatives, horseradish wait. It will be all right with my grandmother. And the food, and clothes, and go to the resort, and you c ** and all will survive, I will try. In parting, I heard so many good things ... I do not know what to do - whether to give thanks, or not to delay, or to cry. He said that I would sometimes call in. He returned home, opened the FB, immediately saw the other's description of similar situations in the store (with screen page Olena Danko), once again convinced that the situation just Achtung. Lonely old man could die of hunger in the house where all the neighbors know that people are malnourished, and everyone has the opportunity without straining their budget to prolong the life of her grandmother. All poher. Even the not so - all poooooooooher. Doctors will come, will draw up somehow, and no man. In astronautics man worked, I worked out a stuffing machine where Gagarin was sent into space. Does not matter. Die of hunger and everything - no one is interested. 21, Moscow, Cho. Friends, I have at the end of one long text, please - let's see every time in the store to pay their grandmothers basket. You've seen these baskets? They are there for 300 rubles a maximum gain for yourself. Today, Vera Dmitrievna came into the store with 60 rubles. Just come, we throw her grandmother in a basket of food on hand will pay. 500-1000 rubles for those who are my friends a trifle, and for the grandmother, who you help, perhaps a matter of life and death. Now I think over how to run the network share on this subject ...
the author of this post Kamil Magomedov. I ask all concerned - help the spread of this post !!! because we ourselves age. and do not know what it will be - our old age ...
Source: blognews.am
the author of this post Kamil Magomedov. I ask all concerned - help the spread of this post !!! because we ourselves age. and do not know what it will be - our old age ...

Source: blognews.am