Large-scale clashes in the center of Kiev

Large-scale clashes in the city center: stun grenades, tear gas and burning.
Today on the street Grushevskogo near the stadium Lobanovskyy protesters tried to break through the checkpoint security forces. At the site of the conflict exploded smoke bombs and stun grenades. The police officers used tear gas. At the site of the conflict on the street Grushevskogo police used water cannons against protesters. According to journalists and politicians of force against the special forces on Hrushevskoho prepared to justify acceleration Euromaidan.

On Sunday, January 19 at the center of Kiev began large-scale clashes between demonstrators and security forces.

After the national council, which is traditionally held on the Maidan, the street Grushevskogo near the stadium im.Lobanovskogo clashes between protesters and members of the Internal Troops.

Later, the protesters using incendiary burned two police bus. From people heard cheers.

About 300 young people in helmets with masks on the eyes, many of whom were carrying with them the wooden sticks and shields, went from the street Institutska on park avenue in Kiev. Young people started to throw in the Interior Troops firecrackers, smoke bombs, beat them with sticks. In turn, the police used batons and tear gas.

According to journalists and politicians of force against the special forces on Hrushevskoho prepared to justify acceleration Euromaidan.

Opposition leaders condemned the violent conflict in the present Hrushevskoho, noting that it is extremely beneficial to the authorities.
"It's not our plan. Scenario attacks on law enforcement officers in the cordons Hrushevskoho only power - in order to justify future military action against Euromaidan. Those who disobeyed our order, and provoke violence - not with us. We will never allow the war in Ukraine, a military scenario, do not give the authorities the opportunity to destroy our great European peaceful protest, "- said the leader of the Fatherland Yatsenyuk.
"They (the government - Ed.) Were not able to intimidate us, it did not help direct the force, now they want to destroy the Maidan using provocateurs", - said the leader of the Freedom Oleg Tyagnibok.
