It is believed that the champion of anti-science is a Roman Catholic Church. But this is just a cliché cliché. For the sake of the Orthodox begin with "latynskoy schism».
In 1163 Pope Alexander III issued a bull on the prohibition of the study "physics or the laws of nature." A century later, Pope Boniface VIII forbade the dissection of corpses and chemical experiments. Those who ignored the order of the Pope, imprisoned and burned at the stake. And this situation remained literally in all areas of scientific thought until the final abolition of the Holy Inquisition in the XIX century.
In 1327 for the view that the earth is round Inquisition was burned at the stake Cecco d'Ascoli Italian astronomer.
In 1553 the fire was sent to the great Spanish philosopher and physician Michael Servetus. His only fault was that he dared to put forward the idea of the existence of pulmonary circulation and predict their physiological significance.
In 1600, in Rome, by the verdict of the Inquisition for the promotion of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus was burned at the stake a famous Italian philosopher, astronomer, mathematician and poet Giordano Bruno.
At the end of the V century Pope Gelasius published a decree which had been given patristic writings, which takes the church, and a list of works that are recognized as heretical. Subsequent popes banned books list is constantly updated. In a list compiled by the Inquisition, it was later included even "Don Quixote" by Miguel Cervantes. At various times, burned, or fall under the ban of the book of such great writers as Victor Hugo, Voltaire, Dante, Petrarch. Banned authors were found Heine, senior and younger Dumas, Balzac, George Sand, Gustave Flaubert, books that make up the treasury of the world literature. In the "black list" of Leo Tolstoy was even with the book "Roman Catholicism in Russia" (1864) to be entered in 1866 is quite rare for the time certification: «opus praedamnatum», which was used for the notorious heretics.
Came to the horror of the terrible persecution of Catholics on science recommend to look to Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church. No less "puritanical" in its relations with science. Scientists at the stake, like, did not burn, but the science is still very actively pursued. Now the "Orthodox" rejoice and say, "Here, do not burn well!" Thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you and your priests that have left to live the great Russian scientist, naturalist and writer wonderful MV Lomonosov. Until the other simply prohibited handle greedy not have reached - after all abroad. His scientists prudently crushed in the bud, waiting on their heyday.
In 1740, at the initiative of University, he published the book Fontenelle "Talk about a variety of worlds." Holy Synod declared the book "the opposing faith and morals," the book were seized and destroyed. According to the church, the harm of the book is already in the fact that "if the inhabitants of the planet Mars was, who would baptize them?»
In 1756, the University of Moscow wanted to publish a poem by Alexander Pope's "Essay on Man". In the book, the author opposed the medieval scientific views on the structure of the universe, which has caused sharp attacks religious censors who have found in the book "pernicious ideas of Copernicus about the many worlds, contrary to Scripture." The book, as you might expect, was banned.
In 1757, the Synod asked to "suspend" the scientific activities of MV University, urged "Especially not blame Sciences sermons" and burnt his scientific works.
In 1764, organized by the closed MV Lomonosov in the Academy of Sciences scientific and art magazine "Monthly Compositions for Use and Entertainment serve", which published articles on astronomy. The motive is the same. The articles were, in the opinion of the clerics, "the holy faith and contrary to honest manners disagree».
For reference: The Russian Orthodox Church criticized the heliocentric system of the world until the beginning of the XX century (!!!!!). The final product, which criticized the heliocentric system began in 1914 published the book of Job, the priest Nemtseva "circle of the earth is stationary and the sun goes." The author of "refute" the Copernican system with quotations from the Bible and the works of the Fathers of the Church (!).
Until 1815 with the "blessing" of the ROC publish school textbook "The destruction of the Copernican system," in which he called the heliocentric system "false philosophical system" and "outrageous opinions».
In 1819, he was interred all the exhibits anatomical cabinet University of Kazan, due to the fact that the "vile and ungodly" eat "the creation and likeness of the Creator of human anatomical preparations" (from the author: here "to saw" body "saint" on power - please but to search for the causes of the disease and the treatment thereof - in any case!).
In 1850, not allowed to print an article by V. Guttseyta "On deposits of the Kursk Province", since it "universe" explained "by the rules of some geologists, is not consonant with the cosmogony of Moses" .After Rul'e publication in 1859 in the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti "lectures on geology, the author forbidden to give public lectures, demanded to remake the work so that the reader may geological facts" is consistent with the first chapter of Genesis ».
In 1866, a number of libraries, schools confiscated books on geology, recognized "harmful and nihilistic».
In 1873, he was denied work of the German philosopher and naturalist Ernest Haeckel's "Natural History of the Universe».
In 1879 destroyed all copies of the book George Finlay "Byzantine history with 716 for 1453," which, in the opinion of the clerics, were "thoughts directed against certain teachings of the Orthodox Church».
Also in 1879, destroyed 5,000 "open calendar", published by the Academy of Sciences of articles about the medieval Inquisition.
In 1879-1880 years banned and burned Haeckel's book "History of breeding of organisms».
In 1890, it banned the book S. Albert "Charles Darwin and his teachings." 5 years later, the "holy fathers" and got to the source, banning of "materialistic" Darwin's book "The Descent of Man and sexual selection».
In 1893, removed from the distribution of the book G. H. Hutchinson's "Autobiography of the Earth, a public essay of historical geology." Religious censors argued its decision that the author has not agreed to their views with church teaching about creation of the world, and so the book "undermines the foundations of religion».
In 1902 he burned the entire print run of the book Haeckel's "Riddle", as in the book "permeates the idea of the animal origin of man».
Now orthodox priests again, like cockroaches on the battery, get into school, that under the guise of "Christian ethics" to carry their delusional "exercises" in the immature minds. What they can teach the children? See above. So whether you want a church school, and the students "Orthodox" instead of astronomy?
In 1163 Pope Alexander III issued a bull on the prohibition of the study "physics or the laws of nature." A century later, Pope Boniface VIII forbade the dissection of corpses and chemical experiments. Those who ignored the order of the Pope, imprisoned and burned at the stake. And this situation remained literally in all areas of scientific thought until the final abolition of the Holy Inquisition in the XIX century.
In 1327 for the view that the earth is round Inquisition was burned at the stake Cecco d'Ascoli Italian astronomer.
In 1553 the fire was sent to the great Spanish philosopher and physician Michael Servetus. His only fault was that he dared to put forward the idea of the existence of pulmonary circulation and predict their physiological significance.
In 1600, in Rome, by the verdict of the Inquisition for the promotion of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus was burned at the stake a famous Italian philosopher, astronomer, mathematician and poet Giordano Bruno.
At the end of the V century Pope Gelasius published a decree which had been given patristic writings, which takes the church, and a list of works that are recognized as heretical. Subsequent popes banned books list is constantly updated. In a list compiled by the Inquisition, it was later included even "Don Quixote" by Miguel Cervantes. At various times, burned, or fall under the ban of the book of such great writers as Victor Hugo, Voltaire, Dante, Petrarch. Banned authors were found Heine, senior and younger Dumas, Balzac, George Sand, Gustave Flaubert, books that make up the treasury of the world literature. In the "black list" of Leo Tolstoy was even with the book "Roman Catholicism in Russia" (1864) to be entered in 1866 is quite rare for the time certification: «opus praedamnatum», which was used for the notorious heretics.
Came to the horror of the terrible persecution of Catholics on science recommend to look to Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church. No less "puritanical" in its relations with science. Scientists at the stake, like, did not burn, but the science is still very actively pursued. Now the "Orthodox" rejoice and say, "Here, do not burn well!" Thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you and your priests that have left to live the great Russian scientist, naturalist and writer wonderful MV Lomonosov. Until the other simply prohibited handle greedy not have reached - after all abroad. His scientists prudently crushed in the bud, waiting on their heyday.
In 1740, at the initiative of University, he published the book Fontenelle "Talk about a variety of worlds." Holy Synod declared the book "the opposing faith and morals," the book were seized and destroyed. According to the church, the harm of the book is already in the fact that "if the inhabitants of the planet Mars was, who would baptize them?»
In 1756, the University of Moscow wanted to publish a poem by Alexander Pope's "Essay on Man". In the book, the author opposed the medieval scientific views on the structure of the universe, which has caused sharp attacks religious censors who have found in the book "pernicious ideas of Copernicus about the many worlds, contrary to Scripture." The book, as you might expect, was banned.
In 1757, the Synod asked to "suspend" the scientific activities of MV University, urged "Especially not blame Sciences sermons" and burnt his scientific works.
In 1764, organized by the closed MV Lomonosov in the Academy of Sciences scientific and art magazine "Monthly Compositions for Use and Entertainment serve", which published articles on astronomy. The motive is the same. The articles were, in the opinion of the clerics, "the holy faith and contrary to honest manners disagree».
For reference: The Russian Orthodox Church criticized the heliocentric system of the world until the beginning of the XX century (!!!!!). The final product, which criticized the heliocentric system began in 1914 published the book of Job, the priest Nemtseva "circle of the earth is stationary and the sun goes." The author of "refute" the Copernican system with quotations from the Bible and the works of the Fathers of the Church (!).
Until 1815 with the "blessing" of the ROC publish school textbook "The destruction of the Copernican system," in which he called the heliocentric system "false philosophical system" and "outrageous opinions».
In 1819, he was interred all the exhibits anatomical cabinet University of Kazan, due to the fact that the "vile and ungodly" eat "the creation and likeness of the Creator of human anatomical preparations" (from the author: here "to saw" body "saint" on power - please but to search for the causes of the disease and the treatment thereof - in any case!).
In 1850, not allowed to print an article by V. Guttseyta "On deposits of the Kursk Province", since it "universe" explained "by the rules of some geologists, is not consonant with the cosmogony of Moses" .After Rul'e publication in 1859 in the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti "lectures on geology, the author forbidden to give public lectures, demanded to remake the work so that the reader may geological facts" is consistent with the first chapter of Genesis ».
In 1866, a number of libraries, schools confiscated books on geology, recognized "harmful and nihilistic».
In 1873, he was denied work of the German philosopher and naturalist Ernest Haeckel's "Natural History of the Universe».
In 1879 destroyed all copies of the book George Finlay "Byzantine history with 716 for 1453," which, in the opinion of the clerics, were "thoughts directed against certain teachings of the Orthodox Church».
Also in 1879, destroyed 5,000 "open calendar", published by the Academy of Sciences of articles about the medieval Inquisition.
In 1879-1880 years banned and burned Haeckel's book "History of breeding of organisms».
In 1890, it banned the book S. Albert "Charles Darwin and his teachings." 5 years later, the "holy fathers" and got to the source, banning of "materialistic" Darwin's book "The Descent of Man and sexual selection».
In 1893, removed from the distribution of the book G. H. Hutchinson's "Autobiography of the Earth, a public essay of historical geology." Religious censors argued its decision that the author has not agreed to their views with church teaching about creation of the world, and so the book "undermines the foundations of religion».
In 1902 he burned the entire print run of the book Haeckel's "Riddle", as in the book "permeates the idea of the animal origin of man».
Now orthodox priests again, like cockroaches on the battery, get into school, that under the guise of "Christian ethics" to carry their delusional "exercises" in the immature minds. What they can teach the children? See above. So whether you want a church school, and the students "Orthodox" instead of astronomy?