London Zoo
Every year at the London Zoo passes census every mammal. The task of the caretakers is very difficult because at the zoo there are more than 17,500 animals, including 10,000 invertebrates, fish, and 4700 100 reptiles. This year the census was launched on January 2 and will last about two weeks
The male gorilla named Cumbuco chew broccoli.
Turn on the census.
Census penguins.
Census meerkats.
Spectacled owl named Elton.
Owl named Max.
Stick insects.
Source: supercoolpics.com

The male gorilla named Cumbuco chew broccoli.

Turn on the census.

Census penguins.

Census meerkats.

Spectacled owl named Elton.

Owl named Max.

Stick insects.

Source: supercoolpics.com