In fact, London - one of the smallest cities in the UK with a population of only 7000 people

As in the case of Tokyo, for the city adopted a region

How can this be? After all, London - one of the largest cities in the world, it is not only the capital of the UK, but also one of political, cultural and economic centers of the world. Currently, there is actually home to more than eight million people, but the vast majority live in the so-called Greater London - the whole region, consisting of 32 districts (London Borough).

When we talk about London, you usually have in mind the City of London - the historic city center, located within the ancient walls, built by the Romans. The total area of ​​the City is only 1, 12 square miles, which is why the area is also called the "Square Mile". The city recorded about seven thousand people, so from the point of view of the historian in London was home to so many people. With more than 300 thousand every day come here to work, and even more tourists here, so indigenous Londoners certainly accustomed to lament the "come in large numbers».

Incidentally, the settlement was founded by the Romans Londonium back in the 47th CE. e., and the wall around the city appeared at the end of the II-nd century, and since then the borders of the City are unchanged. Interestingly, the central part of the city belongs to the famous London Bridge (not the Tower, which is often confused with it, namely London) and only half of the Thames. The boundaries of the City of London are marked by black pillars decorated stamp shield the city.
