Game of Thrones
Despite all the legislative measures to combat piracy people still charged to the show with the torrent trackers and themed community annually collect statistics and make the ratings, which they believe reflect the most realistic picture of demand. In 2013, a victory for illegal downloads won the series based on the novels by George RR Martin - "Game of Thrones" - 5, 9 million. Downloads, and it's more than the number of visitors from the United States who watch adventure vesterostsev "law" on TV. First place in this kind of rating "SP" holds the second year in a row: the result in 2012 amounted to 4, 28 million.
In second place is situated chart Walter White and "Breaking Bad" - 4, 2 million. In the third "The Walking Dead" (3, 6 million). Completing the top five "Big Bang Theory" and "Dexter" - 3, 4, 3, 1 million. Respectively.

In second place is situated chart Walter White and "Breaking Bad" - 4, 2 million. In the third "The Walking Dead" (3, 6 million). Completing the top five "Big Bang Theory" and "Dexter" - 3, 4, 3, 1 million. Respectively.