Catholic world celebrated the feast of Christmas with great pomp and gaiety. We offer you a short overview Pictures of the pictures taken in different parts of the world. It allows you to add up all the overall picture.
Church Service in Hong Kong.
Santa Claus on the rowing canal in Venice.
Hawaiian Santa at the Christmas tree in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Christmas prayer service in Surabaya, Indonesia.
A believer takes on the iPad service in Bethlehem Church of the Nativity.
Boy enjoys the gifts on the Christmas tree in Dinan, France.
Archbishop of Boston is involved in organizing a Christmas dinner for the homeless, USA.
Christmas party at a hotel in Damascus, Syria.
The giant concrete troll under a bridge in Seattle, USA.
The concert program in one of the shopping malls in Seoul, South Korea.
Polar Bear opens his gift at the Zoo La Fleche, France.
A believer lights a candle in the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Batman participating in the Christmas parade, Acapulco, Mexico.
Preparing for Christmas in the slums of Islamabad, Pakistan.
Two sisters celebrate Christmas on the beach in Sydney, Australia.
Christmas in Lebanon Beirut suburb.
Christmas in California, Santa Monica, United States.
Egyptian selects the Christmas tree in Cairo.
Christmas Eve at the Chinese Shenyang.
Christmas service in a refugee camp, Bangui, Central African Republic.
Indian boy is selling accessories at the entrance to the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, New Delhi.
Christmas boat trip along the coast of Valparaiso, Chile.
The Orthodox also preparing for the New Year, but for them for Christmas. Marsh of Santa Clauses in Minsk, Belarus.
We look forward to the next holiday!
Church Service in Hong Kong.

Santa Claus on the rowing canal in Venice.

Hawaiian Santa at the Christmas tree in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Christmas prayer service in Surabaya, Indonesia.

A believer takes on the iPad service in Bethlehem Church of the Nativity.

Boy enjoys the gifts on the Christmas tree in Dinan, France.

Archbishop of Boston is involved in organizing a Christmas dinner for the homeless, USA.

Christmas party at a hotel in Damascus, Syria.

The giant concrete troll under a bridge in Seattle, USA.

The concert program in one of the shopping malls in Seoul, South Korea.

Polar Bear opens his gift at the Zoo La Fleche, France.

A believer lights a candle in the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Batman participating in the Christmas parade, Acapulco, Mexico.

Preparing for Christmas in the slums of Islamabad, Pakistan.

Two sisters celebrate Christmas on the beach in Sydney, Australia.

Christmas in Lebanon Beirut suburb.

Christmas in California, Santa Monica, United States.

Egyptian selects the Christmas tree in Cairo.

Christmas Eve at the Chinese Shenyang.

Christmas service in a refugee camp, Bangui, Central African Republic.

Indian boy is selling accessories at the entrance to the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, New Delhi.

Christmas boat trip along the coast of Valparaiso, Chile.

The Orthodox also preparing for the New Year, but for them for Christmas. Marsh of Santa Clauses in Minsk, Belarus.

We look forward to the next holiday!