Самые наглые случаи копирования рекламы
Одна и та же идея, сопровождаемая одним и тем же зрительным образом в разное время пришла в голову креативщикам из разных известных агентств.К использованию одной и той же идеи в рекламе разных агентств можно конечно же относиться спокойно и называть это «таинственным совпадением» или «творческой переработкой». Но после вопиющих случаев, подобно использованию одной и той же фотографии в рекламе таких разных брендов как Dove и Epson, невольно встает вопрос о плагиате.
Идеи, как известно, витают в воздухе, и не исключена вероятность того, что одна и та же мысль одновременно пришла в голову нескольким людям. Но для того, чтобы одинаково визуализировать одну и ту же идею, двум агентствам, разделяемым временем и километрами, нужно как следует постараться.
Вслед за таинственными совпадениями в ТВ-роликах мы обратили внимание на копирование идей и способов из реализации в печатной рекламе. Ниже представлено несколько примеров самых наглых случаев копирования рекламы.
Cable TV «Metropolis Intercom» 1999
Agency: BBDO Chile
Ladies Pro Golf on ESPN 2007
Agency: A bunch of Monkeys (Mexico)
SKY satellite TV 2006
Agency: 1861 United Milan (Italy)
Peace Queen Cup / Women Soccer 2007
Agency: LG AD Seoul (South Korea)
Barclays Bank Pension Plan 2002
Tagline: «Born again at 65 years old»
Agency: Ad Hoc Young & Rubicam (Spain)
Magali’s Workout System 2010
Tagline: «We push you to the limit so you can feel alive again»
Agency: Road, Barcelona (Spain)
SNCB 2003
Tagline: «One day you’ll forget about the road»
Agency: Grey Brussels (Belgium)
Decathlon Sport Stores 2010
Tagline: «Make room for hiking»
Agency: Young & Rubicam Paris (France)
CESVI Giant Condom Mob / AIDS Awareness 2009
Agency: Now Available (Italy)
Durex/Israel Aids Task Force 2010
Agency: Obsessive Creative Mkg (Israel)
Road Safety Ministry 2009
Agency: Zavod (Russia)
Or Yarok Road Safety, Anti drink driving 2010
Agency: Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R (Israel)
Brainobrain Jumeira Chil Dev Program 2009
Tagline: «For bright and imaginative young minds»
Agency: FP7 Dubai (UAE)
Marathon Kids 2010
Tagline: «The outdoors for your kids, the museum for their toys»
Agency: Latin Works Austin (USA)
Head Tennis Rackets — 1998
Tagline: «Shoot to kill»
Agency: JWT Lisbon (Portugal)
Nintendo Star Tennis 2000
Tagline: «Kill the game and your opponent»
Agency: Leo Burnett (Brazil)
The Gay Liberation Front of Catalonia 2005
Agency: TBWA Barcelona (Spain)
Israel Gay Youth Organization 2009
Tagline: «It’s easier than you think»
Agency: Gitam BBDO (Israel)
V Energy Drink 2006
Tagline: «Beware of speeding»
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi (China)
Olympikus Running Shoes 2010
Tagline: «Hi Performance Technology»
Agency: DCS Comunicações, Porto Alegre, (Brazil)
Milk producers of Lux 2008
Agency: Binsfeld (Luxembourg)
Viking Lawn Mower2009
Tagline: «Nothing cut the grass better»
Agency: Publicis Conseil Paris (France)
Land Rover 2005
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Mexico)
KTM 250 SX off-road motorbike 2009
Agency: DDB&Co Istanbul (Turkey)
Canac 2010
Tagline: «Hardware Made Easy»
Agency: LG2 Montreal (Canada)
Tramontina 2010
Tagline: «Build it easily»
Agency: DCS Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Volkswagen Touareg «Car Wash» 2004
Agency: DDB Istanbul (Turkey)
Land Rover «Car Wash» 2009
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Athens (Greece)
Priorin Shampoo 2008
Tagline: «Extra Volume Shampoo»
Agency: JWT Frankfurt (Germany)
Apoteket Swedish Pharmacy 2010
Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors (Sweden)
Caja Espana 2006
Tagline: «Express Money Transfer»
Agency: The Farm CF Madrid (Spain)
FxPro Money Transfer 2010
Tagline: «In speed we trust»
Agency: Freeger, Moscow (Russia)
Matchbox Toys 2001
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Brazil)
Hobby Town USA 2009
Agency: TunnelBravo, Mesa, Arizona (USA)
Land Rover 1998
Tagline: «the best 4×4xFar»
Agency: The Campaign Palace (New Zealand)
Seat Leon Cupra 2005
Agency: Grey Milano (Italy)
Sexy Magazine 1997
Tagline: «We know what goes on in a man’s mind»
Agency: Fischer Justus Total (Brazil)
FHM Magazine 2009
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Singapore)
Copenhaguen Zoo Ambient 2009
Agency: Bates & Werksette (Denmark)
Le Choc des Titans/Clash of the Titans Ambient 2010
Agency: Unknown (Paris, France)
London City Poster 2009
Designed by: QuentinNewark — Atelier Works
Penguin Books 2010
Tagline: «Travel with words»
Agency: IESP João Pessoa (Brazil)
Molson Canadian Beer Cans 2006
Agency: ZIG Toronto (Canada)
BetClic Poker Online Gaming 2010
Agency: La Chose, Paris (France)
13e Rue TV «the crime channel» April Fool 2001
Agency: JWT Paris (France)
13e Rue TV «the crime channel» April Fool 2010
Agency: BETC Euro RSCG Paris (France)
Secretaria da Saude 2010
Agency: Agencia Matriz (Brazil)
Kimberly Clark 2010
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Costa Rica)
Stress Shoes 2006
Tagline: «Shoes can tell who you are»
Agency: Bruketa & Zinic Zagreb (Croatia)
Tervolina 2009
Tagline: «Because shoes matter»
Agency: BBDO Moscow (Russia)
Road Safety «Baby On Board» sticker on the back of the hearse. 2004
Tagline: «Buckle them up. The back seat too»
Agency: DDB Brussels (Belgium)
Road Safety Toronto «Baby on Board» 2010
Tagline: «80% of child seats are installed incorrectly»
Agency: Juniper Park, Toronto (Canada)
Nissan X-Trail SkiPower 2005
Agency: TBWA (Italy)
Land Rover Defender «Go beyond» 2010
Agency: Young & Rubicam (Italy)
IKEA Home Furnishings Bus Stop Ambient 2006
Agency: Deutsch New York (USA)
HomeBase Home furnishings Train Station Ambient 2010
Agency: Mindshare (United Kingdom)
36 Feria Libro/Buenos Aires 36 Book Fair 2009
Agency: Sentidos (Argentina)
Gandhi Bookstore/Books — Music — Video — Café 2010
Tagline: «Less Faces — More Books»
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Mexico City (Mexico)
Road Safety 1999
Agency: Idea Company Ljubjana (Slovenia)
Road Safety/Verkehrs Wacht 2010
Agency: Scholz and Friends (Germany)
Land Rover Defender 2008
Agency: Young & Rubicam Dubaï (UAE)
Volkswagen Tiguan TDI 2010
Agency: Agence .V. (France)
Lycra Stretch 2001
Agency: Young & Rubicam (Brazil)
Canterbury Clothing Apparel «Incredibly tough» 2005
Agency: BBDO Cape Town (South Africa)
Evonik Chemicals 2008
Tagline: «who helps your teeth shine so white?»
Agency: KNSK Hamburg (Germany)
Trident 2009
Tagline: «long lasting whiteness»
Agency: JWT (Morocco)
Seat Leon Cupra 240 HP 2008
Agency: Grey Milano (Italy)
Volkswagen Scirocco 2009
Agency: Medina Turgul DDB Istanbul (Turkey)
Alberta Tourism Board Ambient 2007
Agency: Venture Communications Toronto (Canada)
Vitamin Water Ambient (Vancouver Olympic Games) 2010
Agency: Brokaw (Canada)
World’s biggest BBQ 2002
Fundraising BBQ for Childhood Cancer
Agency: Euro RSCG (Australia)
Calgary Farmers’ Market BBQ 2009
Agency: Wax Calgary (Canada)
Humo Magazine «Men’s Magazine» 2007
Agency: Leo Burnett Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Jump! self promotionnal «boiling hormones for 15 years» 2010
Agency: Jump! Comunicação, Maringá — Paraná, (Brazil)
Old Lady’s London Dry Gin 1988
Tagline: «A true original, born in Great-Britain»
Agency: Callegari Berville, Paris (France)
Dean’s Finest Old Scotch Whisky 2010
Tagline: «Surprisingly mild»
Agency: Scholz and Friends Dusseldorf (Germany)
Canal Digital HD-TV 2008
Tagline: «HD-quality means five times better image!»
Agency: Grey Stockholm (Sweden)
Sky HDTV 2009
Tagline: «Discover the world in Hi-Definition»
Agency: Heye Group, Munich, (Germany)
Kawasaki 2002
Tagline: «reassuringly fast bikes»
Agency: TBWA Berlin (Germany)
Perodua Myvi 2007
Tagline: «Fast enough»
Agency: Naga DDB (Malaysia)
Eurostar Train 2004
Tagline: «directly to London»
Agency: Leg Agency, Paris (France)
V Line Trains 2010
Tagline: «The only way to get to the jazz festival»
Agency: McCann Melbourne (Australia)
BMW 1999
Tagline: «Winner of both the Paris-Dakar and Le Mans races in 1999»
Agency: TBWA Paris (France)
Volkswagen 2010
Tagline: «Congratulations to our 3 cars which won the Dakar Rally».
Agency: Agence V (France)
Samsung Washing Machines 2007
Agency: Cheil Worldwide (Korea)
Constructa Washing Machines «Keeps on working» 2008
Agency: GPS Advertising Tel Aviv (Israel)
Diesel Jeans 2005
Agency: Euro RSCG (France)
Taboo Jeans 2009
Agency: Unknown (Lebanon)
The Hairdressers 2007
Agency: MDA creative (United Kingdom)
Pineda Hait Transplant Clinic 2009
Agency: TBWA Makati City (Philippines)
laissepasfairelespervers.com 2006
Tagline: «Don’t let the unrighteous do»
Agency: Ebb & Flow (France)
Casa Do Menor 2010
Tagline: «Set the kids free from abuse and violence»
Agency: Mc Cann Erickson (Spain)
Samu Social 115 Ambient (Homeless Awareness) 2005
Tagline: «Help give a roof to those who don’t have one»
Agency: TBWA Paris (France)
Arrels Fundacio Ambient (Homeless Awareness) 2010
Tagline: «For many people in Barcelona this is their home. Give Barcelona a roof»
Agency: Altraforma, Barcelona, (Spain)
Monroe «Shock Absorbers» 2007
Agency: Joe Public Johannesburg (South Africa)
Dunlop «For smooth… comfortable ride» 2010
Agency: KID, Bangkok, (Thaïland)
NICEF Anti-Landmines «table soccer» Ambient 2008
Agency: Leo Burnett Frankfurt (Germany)
AACD «Anti-Landmines table soccer» Ambient 2009
Tagline: «Supporting children with disabilities»
Agency: Fischer America Sao Paulo (Brazil)
On Computing «Apple Repair-Service» 2001
Agency: Scholz & Friends Berlin (Germany)
MacHerman «Mac Repair Service» 2008
Agency: New Message Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Diet Pepsi 2001
Agency: BBDO Bangkok (Thailand)
KY Lubricant Gel 2009
Agency: Kolle Rebbe Hamburg (Germany)
BMW Mini «Rock legend» 2004
Agency: BBDO Milan (Italy)
Peugeot 207 «Spice Up your Life!» 2008
Agency: McCann Erickson Dakar (Senegal)
Rowenta Neo / Orchid with electric plug 2003
Agency: Publicis Conseil (France)
Ambi Pur / Orchid with electric plug 2009
Agency: Grey Worldwide Warsaw (Poland)
Fiat 2009
Tagline: «Going forward or backward, it’s all the same».
Agency: Leo Burnett Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Mercedes-Benz 2009
Tagline: «Backwards as well as forwards»
Agency: Jung von Matt/Limmat, Zurich, (Switzerland)
Sabugosa Bookstore «Fat Batman» 2008
Agency: Fields (Brazil)
Active Life Movement «Fat Superman» 2009
Agency: Latin Works Austin, Texas (USA)
Supportpathfinders.org «lifelike stickers» ноябрь 2008
Agency: Serve Marketing, Milwaukee (USA)
Youth Off the streets «Lifelike posters» Декабрь 2008
Agency: Lavender Sydney (Australia)
Pro smokefree 2005
Agency: Fahrnholz & Junghanns & Raetzel, Munich (Germany)
ADESF association 2008
Agency: NeogamaBBH (Brazil)
Band-Aid «100% waterproof» 2008
Agency: JWT (Brazil)
Boots «Waterproof plasters» 2009
Agency: McCann Erickson Bangkok (Thailand)
World Vision (Public Service) 2000
Agency: TBWA Frankfurt (Germany)
The Star — operation snowball 2009
Tagline: «with your help this could be a real blanket»
Agency: Volcano Advertising (South Africa)
Goteborgs Symfoniker Orchestra 2004
Agency: SCP Goteborg (Sweden)
Duracell Batteries — 2009
Tagline: «Our most powerful battery ever»
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Paris (France)
Roca Taps 2003
Tagline: «Narcissist? Maybe...»
Agency: Publicis Casadevall, Barcelona (Spain)
ISCA Taps 2009
Tagline: «Beautiful taps»
Agency: FoxP2, Cape Town (South Africa)
Betalebanon.org «adopt a dog» январь 2009
Tagline: «you won’t come home to this»
Agency: Leo Burnett, Beirut (Lebanon)
Stockholms Hundforum октябрь 2009
Agency: Jung von Matt, Stockholm (Sweden)
Donna Benta Flour 2007
Agency: Lew Lara TBWA (Brazil)
La cucina italiana magazine 2009
Claim: «Your product will look more tempting in La Cucina Italiana»
Agency: D’Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli, BBDO, Milan (Italy)
Kit Kat «Have a break» 2008
Agency: JWT Dubaï (UAE)
Routon GPS 2009
Agency: ZR4218AD, Shanghai, (China)
Asthma Info Website 2001
Agency: ACHT99 Kommunikation (Germany)
Asthma Foundation 2009
Tagline: «Help New Zealand Children breathe easier»
Agency: Ogilvy Auckland (New Zealand)
Labelle Women Razors 2003
Agency: Mindspace (India)
Gillette Fusion Razors 2009
Tagline: «We love a challenge»
Agency: BBDO NY (USA)
Playland «You are here» 2003
Agency: DDB Vancouver (Canada)
Alka Selzer Hangover Relief 2009
Agency: BBDO (Khazakstan)
S.O.S Pregnancy 2000
Agency: Nova Publicidade (Portugal)
Clearblue Pregnancy Tests 2009
Agency: Leo Burnett Milan (Italy)
Braun Nose Trimmer 2007
Agency: BBDO Dusseldorf (Germany)
Elta Nose Trimmer 2008
Agency: KNSK (Germany)
Playboy «Guys, pray for rain» 2002
Agency: Rempen & Partner (Germany)
Calvin Klein Underwear 2009
Agency: Chosun University, Gwangju (South Korea)
По материалам: joelapompe
via www.joelapompe.net/
Идеи, как известно, витают в воздухе, и не исключена вероятность того, что одна и та же мысль одновременно пришла в голову нескольким людям. Но для того, чтобы одинаково визуализировать одну и ту же идею, двум агентствам, разделяемым временем и километрами, нужно как следует постараться.
Вслед за таинственными совпадениями в ТВ-роликах мы обратили внимание на копирование идей и способов из реализации в печатной рекламе. Ниже представлено несколько примеров самых наглых случаев копирования рекламы.

Cable TV «Metropolis Intercom» 1999
Agency: BBDO Chile
Ladies Pro Golf on ESPN 2007
Agency: A bunch of Monkeys (Mexico)

SKY satellite TV 2006
Agency: 1861 United Milan (Italy)
Peace Queen Cup / Women Soccer 2007
Agency: LG AD Seoul (South Korea)
Barclays Bank Pension Plan 2002
Tagline: «Born again at 65 years old»
Agency: Ad Hoc Young & Rubicam (Spain)
Magali’s Workout System 2010
Tagline: «We push you to the limit so you can feel alive again»
Agency: Road, Barcelona (Spain)

SNCB 2003
Tagline: «One day you’ll forget about the road»
Agency: Grey Brussels (Belgium)
Decathlon Sport Stores 2010
Tagline: «Make room for hiking»
Agency: Young & Rubicam Paris (France)
CESVI Giant Condom Mob / AIDS Awareness 2009
Agency: Now Available (Italy)
Durex/Israel Aids Task Force 2010
Agency: Obsessive Creative Mkg (Israel)
Road Safety Ministry 2009
Agency: Zavod (Russia)
Or Yarok Road Safety, Anti drink driving 2010
Agency: Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R (Israel)

Brainobrain Jumeira Chil Dev Program 2009
Tagline: «For bright and imaginative young minds»
Agency: FP7 Dubai (UAE)
Marathon Kids 2010
Tagline: «The outdoors for your kids, the museum for their toys»
Agency: Latin Works Austin (USA)

Head Tennis Rackets — 1998
Tagline: «Shoot to kill»
Agency: JWT Lisbon (Portugal)
Nintendo Star Tennis 2000
Tagline: «Kill the game and your opponent»
Agency: Leo Burnett (Brazil)

The Gay Liberation Front of Catalonia 2005
Agency: TBWA Barcelona (Spain)
Israel Gay Youth Organization 2009
Tagline: «It’s easier than you think»
Agency: Gitam BBDO (Israel)
V Energy Drink 2006
Tagline: «Beware of speeding»
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi (China)
Olympikus Running Shoes 2010
Tagline: «Hi Performance Technology»
Agency: DCS Comunicações, Porto Alegre, (Brazil)

Milk producers of Lux 2008
Agency: Binsfeld (Luxembourg)
Viking Lawn Mower2009
Tagline: «Nothing cut the grass better»
Agency: Publicis Conseil Paris (France)

Land Rover 2005
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Mexico)
KTM 250 SX off-road motorbike 2009
Agency: DDB&Co Istanbul (Turkey)

Canac 2010
Tagline: «Hardware Made Easy»
Agency: LG2 Montreal (Canada)
Tramontina 2010
Tagline: «Build it easily»
Agency: DCS Porto Alegre (Brazil)

Volkswagen Touareg «Car Wash» 2004
Agency: DDB Istanbul (Turkey)
Land Rover «Car Wash» 2009
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Athens (Greece)

Priorin Shampoo 2008
Tagline: «Extra Volume Shampoo»
Agency: JWT Frankfurt (Germany)
Apoteket Swedish Pharmacy 2010
Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors (Sweden)

Caja Espana 2006
Tagline: «Express Money Transfer»
Agency: The Farm CF Madrid (Spain)
FxPro Money Transfer 2010
Tagline: «In speed we trust»
Agency: Freeger, Moscow (Russia)

Matchbox Toys 2001
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Brazil)
Hobby Town USA 2009
Agency: TunnelBravo, Mesa, Arizona (USA)
Land Rover 1998
Tagline: «the best 4×4xFar»
Agency: The Campaign Palace (New Zealand)
Seat Leon Cupra 2005
Agency: Grey Milano (Italy)
Sexy Magazine 1997
Tagline: «We know what goes on in a man’s mind»
Agency: Fischer Justus Total (Brazil)
FHM Magazine 2009
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Singapore)
Copenhaguen Zoo Ambient 2009
Agency: Bates & Werksette (Denmark)
Le Choc des Titans/Clash of the Titans Ambient 2010
Agency: Unknown (Paris, France)

London City Poster 2009
Designed by: QuentinNewark — Atelier Works
Penguin Books 2010
Tagline: «Travel with words»
Agency: IESP João Pessoa (Brazil)
Molson Canadian Beer Cans 2006
Agency: ZIG Toronto (Canada)
BetClic Poker Online Gaming 2010
Agency: La Chose, Paris (France)
13e Rue TV «the crime channel» April Fool 2001
Agency: JWT Paris (France)
13e Rue TV «the crime channel» April Fool 2010
Agency: BETC Euro RSCG Paris (France)
Secretaria da Saude 2010
Agency: Agencia Matriz (Brazil)
Kimberly Clark 2010
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Costa Rica)

Stress Shoes 2006
Tagline: «Shoes can tell who you are»
Agency: Bruketa & Zinic Zagreb (Croatia)
Tervolina 2009
Tagline: «Because shoes matter»
Agency: BBDO Moscow (Russia)

Road Safety «Baby On Board» sticker on the back of the hearse. 2004
Tagline: «Buckle them up. The back seat too»
Agency: DDB Brussels (Belgium)
Road Safety Toronto «Baby on Board» 2010
Tagline: «80% of child seats are installed incorrectly»
Agency: Juniper Park, Toronto (Canada)

Nissan X-Trail SkiPower 2005
Agency: TBWA (Italy)
Land Rover Defender «Go beyond» 2010
Agency: Young & Rubicam (Italy)

IKEA Home Furnishings Bus Stop Ambient 2006
Agency: Deutsch New York (USA)
HomeBase Home furnishings Train Station Ambient 2010
Agency: Mindshare (United Kingdom)

36 Feria Libro/Buenos Aires 36 Book Fair 2009
Agency: Sentidos (Argentina)
Gandhi Bookstore/Books — Music — Video — Café 2010
Tagline: «Less Faces — More Books»
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Mexico City (Mexico)

Road Safety 1999
Agency: Idea Company Ljubjana (Slovenia)
Road Safety/Verkehrs Wacht 2010
Agency: Scholz and Friends (Germany)

Land Rover Defender 2008
Agency: Young & Rubicam Dubaï (UAE)
Volkswagen Tiguan TDI 2010
Agency: Agence .V. (France)

Lycra Stretch 2001
Agency: Young & Rubicam (Brazil)
Canterbury Clothing Apparel «Incredibly tough» 2005
Agency: BBDO Cape Town (South Africa)

Evonik Chemicals 2008
Tagline: «who helps your teeth shine so white?»
Agency: KNSK Hamburg (Germany)
Trident 2009
Tagline: «long lasting whiteness»
Agency: JWT (Morocco)

Seat Leon Cupra 240 HP 2008
Agency: Grey Milano (Italy)
Volkswagen Scirocco 2009
Agency: Medina Turgul DDB Istanbul (Turkey)

Alberta Tourism Board Ambient 2007
Agency: Venture Communications Toronto (Canada)
Vitamin Water Ambient (Vancouver Olympic Games) 2010
Agency: Brokaw (Canada)

World’s biggest BBQ 2002
Fundraising BBQ for Childhood Cancer
Agency: Euro RSCG (Australia)
Calgary Farmers’ Market BBQ 2009
Agency: Wax Calgary (Canada)
Humo Magazine «Men’s Magazine» 2007
Agency: Leo Burnett Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Jump! self promotionnal «boiling hormones for 15 years» 2010
Agency: Jump! Comunicação, Maringá — Paraná, (Brazil)
Old Lady’s London Dry Gin 1988
Tagline: «A true original, born in Great-Britain»
Agency: Callegari Berville, Paris (France)
Dean’s Finest Old Scotch Whisky 2010
Tagline: «Surprisingly mild»
Agency: Scholz and Friends Dusseldorf (Germany)

Canal Digital HD-TV 2008
Tagline: «HD-quality means five times better image!»
Agency: Grey Stockholm (Sweden)
Sky HDTV 2009
Tagline: «Discover the world in Hi-Definition»
Agency: Heye Group, Munich, (Germany)

Kawasaki 2002
Tagline: «reassuringly fast bikes»
Agency: TBWA Berlin (Germany)
Perodua Myvi 2007
Tagline: «Fast enough»
Agency: Naga DDB (Malaysia)

Eurostar Train 2004
Tagline: «directly to London»
Agency: Leg Agency, Paris (France)
V Line Trains 2010
Tagline: «The only way to get to the jazz festival»
Agency: McCann Melbourne (Australia)

BMW 1999
Tagline: «Winner of both the Paris-Dakar and Le Mans races in 1999»
Agency: TBWA Paris (France)
Volkswagen 2010
Tagline: «Congratulations to our 3 cars which won the Dakar Rally».
Agency: Agence V (France)

Samsung Washing Machines 2007
Agency: Cheil Worldwide (Korea)
Constructa Washing Machines «Keeps on working» 2008
Agency: GPS Advertising Tel Aviv (Israel)
Diesel Jeans 2005
Agency: Euro RSCG (France)
Taboo Jeans 2009
Agency: Unknown (Lebanon)

The Hairdressers 2007
Agency: MDA creative (United Kingdom)
Pineda Hait Transplant Clinic 2009
Agency: TBWA Makati City (Philippines)
laissepasfairelespervers.com 2006
Tagline: «Don’t let the unrighteous do»
Agency: Ebb & Flow (France)
Casa Do Menor 2010
Tagline: «Set the kids free from abuse and violence»
Agency: Mc Cann Erickson (Spain)

Samu Social 115 Ambient (Homeless Awareness) 2005
Tagline: «Help give a roof to those who don’t have one»
Agency: TBWA Paris (France)
Arrels Fundacio Ambient (Homeless Awareness) 2010
Tagline: «For many people in Barcelona this is their home. Give Barcelona a roof»
Agency: Altraforma, Barcelona, (Spain)

Monroe «Shock Absorbers» 2007
Agency: Joe Public Johannesburg (South Africa)
Dunlop «For smooth… comfortable ride» 2010
Agency: KID, Bangkok, (Thaïland)

NICEF Anti-Landmines «table soccer» Ambient 2008
Agency: Leo Burnett Frankfurt (Germany)
AACD «Anti-Landmines table soccer» Ambient 2009
Tagline: «Supporting children with disabilities»
Agency: Fischer America Sao Paulo (Brazil)

On Computing «Apple Repair-Service» 2001
Agency: Scholz & Friends Berlin (Germany)
MacHerman «Mac Repair Service» 2008
Agency: New Message Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Diet Pepsi 2001
Agency: BBDO Bangkok (Thailand)
KY Lubricant Gel 2009
Agency: Kolle Rebbe Hamburg (Germany)

BMW Mini «Rock legend» 2004
Agency: BBDO Milan (Italy)
Peugeot 207 «Spice Up your Life!» 2008
Agency: McCann Erickson Dakar (Senegal)

Rowenta Neo / Orchid with electric plug 2003
Agency: Publicis Conseil (France)
Ambi Pur / Orchid with electric plug 2009
Agency: Grey Worldwide Warsaw (Poland)

Fiat 2009
Tagline: «Going forward or backward, it’s all the same».
Agency: Leo Burnett Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Mercedes-Benz 2009
Tagline: «Backwards as well as forwards»
Agency: Jung von Matt/Limmat, Zurich, (Switzerland)

Sabugosa Bookstore «Fat Batman» 2008
Agency: Fields (Brazil)
Active Life Movement «Fat Superman» 2009
Agency: Latin Works Austin, Texas (USA)

Supportpathfinders.org «lifelike stickers» ноябрь 2008
Agency: Serve Marketing, Milwaukee (USA)
Youth Off the streets «Lifelike posters» Декабрь 2008
Agency: Lavender Sydney (Australia)
Pro smokefree 2005
Agency: Fahrnholz & Junghanns & Raetzel, Munich (Germany)
ADESF association 2008
Agency: NeogamaBBH (Brazil)

Band-Aid «100% waterproof» 2008
Agency: JWT (Brazil)
Boots «Waterproof plasters» 2009
Agency: McCann Erickson Bangkok (Thailand)

World Vision (Public Service) 2000
Agency: TBWA Frankfurt (Germany)
The Star — operation snowball 2009
Tagline: «with your help this could be a real blanket»
Agency: Volcano Advertising (South Africa)

Goteborgs Symfoniker Orchestra 2004
Agency: SCP Goteborg (Sweden)
Duracell Batteries — 2009
Tagline: «Our most powerful battery ever»
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Paris (France)

Roca Taps 2003
Tagline: «Narcissist? Maybe...»
Agency: Publicis Casadevall, Barcelona (Spain)
ISCA Taps 2009
Tagline: «Beautiful taps»
Agency: FoxP2, Cape Town (South Africa)

Betalebanon.org «adopt a dog» январь 2009
Tagline: «you won’t come home to this»
Agency: Leo Burnett, Beirut (Lebanon)
Stockholms Hundforum октябрь 2009
Agency: Jung von Matt, Stockholm (Sweden)

Donna Benta Flour 2007
Agency: Lew Lara TBWA (Brazil)
La cucina italiana magazine 2009
Claim: «Your product will look more tempting in La Cucina Italiana»
Agency: D’Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli, BBDO, Milan (Italy)

Kit Kat «Have a break» 2008
Agency: JWT Dubaï (UAE)
Routon GPS 2009
Agency: ZR4218AD, Shanghai, (China)
Asthma Info Website 2001
Agency: ACHT99 Kommunikation (Germany)
Asthma Foundation 2009
Tagline: «Help New Zealand Children breathe easier»
Agency: Ogilvy Auckland (New Zealand)

Labelle Women Razors 2003
Agency: Mindspace (India)
Gillette Fusion Razors 2009
Tagline: «We love a challenge»
Agency: BBDO NY (USA)

Playland «You are here» 2003
Agency: DDB Vancouver (Canada)
Alka Selzer Hangover Relief 2009
Agency: BBDO (Khazakstan)

S.O.S Pregnancy 2000
Agency: Nova Publicidade (Portugal)
Clearblue Pregnancy Tests 2009
Agency: Leo Burnett Milan (Italy)

Braun Nose Trimmer 2007
Agency: BBDO Dusseldorf (Germany)
Elta Nose Trimmer 2008
Agency: KNSK (Germany)
Playboy «Guys, pray for rain» 2002
Agency: Rempen & Partner (Germany)
Calvin Klein Underwear 2009
Agency: Chosun University, Gwangju (South Korea)
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