Does not distinguish between painters, memorize the picture?

Does not distinguish between painters, memorize the picture? This guide will help you not to be trapped in the management of small talk.
And now more and illustrations:

If you see in the picture dark background and all sorts of suffering on their faces - it Titian

Exception - that this person golozhopaya no signs of thought on his face. Already a something you can remember. Venus, not Venus, but something venereal it has

2. If the picture vottakennye ass cellulite and even men - not sumlevayus - a Rubens

3. If the picture guys are like ox-eyed curly women or simply Italian macho - it Caravaggio

Bab he even drew half. In the next picture - zhenschina. Gorgonyan Medusa Arutyunovna. why it looks like a Dzhonidepa - mystery cleaner smile Monylizy

4. If the picture a lot of little fellows - Brueghel

5. Many young fellows + small incomprehensible garbage - Bosch

6. If a picture can easily pririsovat couple tolstozhopye cupids and sheep (or are already there in various configurations) without violating the composition - it can be

a) Bush

b) Watteau

7. Beautiful, all naked and figures like bodybuilders after drying - Michelangelo

8. You see the ballerina - govorish Degas. You say Degas - see ballet dancer

9. Contrast, rather tartly, and all prevent a WordLikeThis skinny bearded faces - El Greco

and finally:

10. If even aunts, like Putin - a van Eyck

11. Bright bright, colorful, colorful - Van Gogh.

12. Monet - spots, Manet - people!



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