"Triple Brezhnev"

In 1968, Yasser Arafat for the first time visited the USSR, where he arranged a meeting with Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee. The Palestinian leader has quickly gained the trust of the Kremlin, and perhaps it was he who showed Brezhnev triple kiss. In the Arab tradition is widespread triple kiss, as a gesture of trust and goodwill to man.
Brezhnev once very kissed Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito, leaving broke his lip.
Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States was the only US president to be awarded the famous kissing Soviet leader.
The most famous kiss Leonid Ilyich - Eric Honecker, leader of East Germany, in 1971. This act of friendship among peoples was even depicted on the Berlin Wall a young but very talented artist Dmitry Vrubel. "Brotherly Kiss" became a symbol of the fall of the Berlin Wall. (Pictured same kiss)
In 1973, when the Iron Curtain fell open, in the Soviet Union came to a delegation from the United States. After moving speech Secretary General, he was approached by a young American woman with flowers that loving secretary general immediately kissed with his usual passion and dedication. Hitherto unremarkable choreography teacher Annie Hallman overnight became known throughout the world.
Once Brezhnev attempted to kiss the Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu. However, Romania is the only one directly and categorically refused this ritual, as it was very squeamish.
In 1971, there was a failed attempt to demonstrate the "triple Brezhnev" Margaret Thatcher. However, the "Iron Lady" tactfully managed to dodge this friendly gesture, unacceptable to the British prim.
In 1974, for the first time flying in the USSR Cuban leader already knew about the ritual of kissing the secretary general of guests at the meeting, and also knew that would be the laughing stock at home if it allows it to happen. But was found an original solution. The ladder Fidel Castro escaped with a huge smoking cigar in his mouth, not allowing Brezhnev Cuban shame before his countrymen.
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