Kate Winslet
Kate Winslet - not just a beautiful woman and talented actress. This is one of the few stars that violently oppose total otfotoshoplivaniya "girls on the cover," woman Godea their natural forms (which, no matter how absurd, in Hollywood are considered plus size) and its natural appearance. Soft, feminine, amazing beauty for which it was called "English rose».
11-year-old Kate - it's hard to know the future queen lady with a look at this cute little girl unformed, right?
At seventeen, Kate was delicately tinted blonde - a natural and elegant.
Copper-red hair made shine snow-white skin, Kate, and brick-red lipstick allocated gorgeous teeth.
Youth - while daring experiments! Why not? Uneven daring pixie in platinum locks - well, that soon grows back, I suppose.
Image - the quintessence of all that it was named "Rose": soft light hair color, delicate but intense smoky-pink lipstick and rouge touch the same color.
Kate wonderful sense of style and action, so it always focuses on one thing - or eyes, or lips. In this case - the lips, of course.
How amazing Kate managed to add to the image of radiance! Slightly lighter hair, a little more shiny lipstick - and she sparkles and shimmers like a fairy.
Turning to a brighter Blondie, Kate won only in appearance.
And here, Kate decided to focus on the eyes, not on the lips. A matter of taste, of course, but I prefer another option.
And here and have nothing to say, except one - dazzling!
Years do not spoil Kate, but only give it features some sculptural - they become sharper, sleeker, more strictly.
And here is a wonderful makeup spoiled unfortunate shade shadows. It is not necessary to pick them up was in the tone of lipstick!
Delicate opal skin, light blush and luxury golden hair - Kate simply a goddess!
Photo by InStyle

11-year-old Kate - it's hard to know the future queen lady with a look at this cute little girl unformed, right?

At seventeen, Kate was delicately tinted blonde - a natural and elegant.

Copper-red hair made shine snow-white skin, Kate, and brick-red lipstick allocated gorgeous teeth.

Youth - while daring experiments! Why not? Uneven daring pixie in platinum locks - well, that soon grows back, I suppose.

Image - the quintessence of all that it was named "Rose": soft light hair color, delicate but intense smoky-pink lipstick and rouge touch the same color.

Kate wonderful sense of style and action, so it always focuses on one thing - or eyes, or lips. In this case - the lips, of course.

How amazing Kate managed to add to the image of radiance! Slightly lighter hair, a little more shiny lipstick - and she sparkles and shimmers like a fairy.

Turning to a brighter Blondie, Kate won only in appearance.

And here, Kate decided to focus on the eyes, not on the lips. A matter of taste, of course, but I prefer another option.

And here and have nothing to say, except one - dazzling!

Years do not spoil Kate, but only give it features some sculptural - they become sharper, sleeker, more strictly.

And here is a wonderful makeup spoiled unfortunate shade shadows. It is not necessary to pick them up was in the tone of lipstick!

Delicate opal skin, light blush and luxury golden hair - Kate simply a goddess!
Photo by InStyle