Princess Kate Middleton
About the homeless fantastic story was already there vev.ru/blogs/stilnyy-bratec.html, now is the time to talk about stylish princess. When compared with the same brother-homeless: two people on opposite social ladder, they do not unwittingly made to their outfits discussed worldwide. However, Kate Middleton from this otvertelas not be: after all, she was the wife of Prince William and woman has won the favorite of all vacant niche in Britain after Princess Diana.
But not talking about Kate as a person, and of her image, or more precisely, its main elements - hats. Kate - a former model, so it is a figure you can wear just about anything and everything. However, the princess could not, of course, appear in public dressed as a la Taylor Momsen. Therefore, Kate chose a win-win situation: the classic, "refreshed" accessories in the form of bizarre headgear
In this hat, Kate appeared at the celebration of Canada Day. Everything is logical - to cap the main part of the flag of Canada - Maple Leaf
Logically, this hat Kate was put on the celebration of the Day of Russia)), but actually in this stylish fur hat future princess appeared at the Festival Cheltenham Gold Cup Festival back in 2006
At some party girl this accessory would look pretentious, but not Kate!
And from this cap, I do love it! Kate cutie!
Cowboy style is always relevant and Duchess of Cambridge knows it. However, choose a stylish cowboy hat-too-easy task. Kate chose a "cowboy glamor" - elegant hat dazzling white
To walk with her husband need to choose something low-key and at the same time stylish. The little turquoise hat to match her dress - great
Lady in the style of the 30's - and Kate is such an image. Only hair oddly stacked
Skromnyashka Kate wore a much more elegant than the dude William. The cylinder jacket, boutonniere - well, just Golokhvastov)))
Little black hat - universal version, in which you can "in the feast, and to the world." This image I really like Kate
Even a hat with huge fields, which is popularly called the "wagon wheel" sits perfectly on the head of Kate.
In general, as I reviewed the photos of Kate Middleton in hats, I have found no one, in which the princess would look ridiculous or vulgar. Duchess of Cambridge knows that hats - it's her "horse", so always chooses them carefully.
In fairness, it is worth noting that Kate is sometimes seen in public with their heads uncovered. Agree with the hats she looks somehow familiar ...
Hats Kate go, it definitely! You can not say about her younger sister Pippa, who in the wake of the popularity of Kate somehow suddenly became regarded as a trendsetter in the British style of fashion. I do not know, it seems to me that Pippa cap of the type is Kate look like the one on Ivan Doolin Thong)
But not talking about Kate as a person, and of her image, or more precisely, its main elements - hats. Kate - a former model, so it is a figure you can wear just about anything and everything. However, the princess could not, of course, appear in public dressed as a la Taylor Momsen. Therefore, Kate chose a win-win situation: the classic, "refreshed" accessories in the form of bizarre headgear

In this hat, Kate appeared at the celebration of Canada Day. Everything is logical - to cap the main part of the flag of Canada - Maple Leaf

Logically, this hat Kate was put on the celebration of the Day of Russia)), but actually in this stylish fur hat future princess appeared at the Festival Cheltenham Gold Cup Festival back in 2006

At some party girl this accessory would look pretentious, but not Kate!

And from this cap, I do love it! Kate cutie!

Cowboy style is always relevant and Duchess of Cambridge knows it. However, choose a stylish cowboy hat-too-easy task. Kate chose a "cowboy glamor" - elegant hat dazzling white

To walk with her husband need to choose something low-key and at the same time stylish. The little turquoise hat to match her dress - great

Lady in the style of the 30's - and Kate is such an image. Only hair oddly stacked

Skromnyashka Kate wore a much more elegant than the dude William. The cylinder jacket, boutonniere - well, just Golokhvastov)))

Little black hat - universal version, in which you can "in the feast, and to the world." This image I really like Kate

Even a hat with huge fields, which is popularly called the "wagon wheel" sits perfectly on the head of Kate.

In general, as I reviewed the photos of Kate Middleton in hats, I have found no one, in which the princess would look ridiculous or vulgar. Duchess of Cambridge knows that hats - it's her "horse", so always chooses them carefully.
In fairness, it is worth noting that Kate is sometimes seen in public with their heads uncovered. Agree with the hats she looks somehow familiar ...

Hats Kate go, it definitely! You can not say about her younger sister Pippa, who in the wake of the popularity of Kate somehow suddenly became regarded as a trendsetter in the British style of fashion. I do not know, it seems to me that Pippa cap of the type is Kate look like the one on Ivan Doolin Thong)